Controls for Roboquest
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
21 Jan 2022
Here’s a rundown of the basic controls for playing Roboquest on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X. Just a heads up – you can totally tweak these keys and buttons to suit your style:
All PC Settings
Default PC Keyboard & Mouse Controls
- Forwards: W or Up Arrow
- Backwards: S or Down Arrow
- Left: A or Left Arrow
- Right: D or Right Arrow
- Sprint: Shift
- Jump: Space
- Crouch: Ctrl
- Primary Ability: Q
- Secondary Ability: V
- Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Alt-Fire: Right Mouse Button
- Reload: R
- Drop Weapon: G
- Weapon 1: 1
- Weapon 2: 2
- Switch Weapon: Scroll Wheel Up
- Previous Weapon: Scroll Wheel Down
- Next Weapon: Scroll Wheel Up
- Interact: E
- Perk Selector: T
- Control Panel: Tab
- Menu: M
- Screenshot Mode: F8
- Ping: F
Xbox One & Series X/S Controls
- Sprint: Left Stick Press
- Jump: A
- Crouch: B
- Primary Ability: RB (Shoulder Button)
- Secondary Ability: Right Stick Press
- Fire: RT
- Alt-Fire: LT
- Reload: X
- Drop Weapon: D-Pad Down
- Switch Weapon: LB
- Interact: Y
- Perk Selector: D-Pad Up
- Control Panel: View Button
- Menu: Start Button
- Ping: D-Pad Left
PlayStation Controls
Roboquest isn’t on PS4 or PS5 but if you use a PlayStation controller on your PC -> the default controls will look something like this:
- Sprint: L3 (Left Stick Press)
- Jump: X
- Crouch: Circle
- Primary Ability: R1
- Secondary Ability: R3
- Fire: R2
- Alt-Fire: L2
- Reload: Square
- Drop Weapon: D-Pad Down
- Switch Weapon: L1
- Interact: Triangle
- Perk Selector: D-Pad Up
- Control Panel: Touchpad Button
- Menu: Options Button
- Ping: D-Pad Left