PC Controls for TrackMania 2: Stadium - Magic Game World

PC Controls for TrackMania 2: Stadium

PC Controls for TrackMania 2: Stadium

Check out the standard keyboard controls & shortcuts for playing TrackMania 2: Stadium on your PC:



Default PC Key Bindings

  • Accelerate: Shift, Up


  • Brake: Ctrl, Space, Down


  • Steer Left: Left


  • Steer Right: Right


  • Give up: Delete


  • Respawn: Backspace


  • Horn: Num 0


  • Change camera: Num Del


  • SM:FreeLook / TM:LookBehind: <None>


  • Bonus: P


  • Use Action 1: 1


  • Use Action 2: 2


  • Use Action 3: 3


  • Use Action 4: 4


  • Accelerate (analog): RT (Pad 1)


  • Brake (analog): LT (Pad 1)


  • Accelerate & Brake (analog): <None>


  • Steering (analog): <Left Stick> (Pad 1)


  • Show/hide ghost: G, X (Pad 1)


  • Save Replay: R, S


  • Show/hide opponents: O


  • Spectator camera: Follow: F5


  • Spectator camera: Free: F6


  • Spectator camera: Replay: F7


  • Spectator camera free: Save preset: Right Control


  • Reset camera params: Num /


  • Pan cam mode: Alt


  • Decrease cam fov: –


  • Increase cam fov: +


  • Menu: Esc, Start (Pad 1)


  • Show/Hide Interface: *


  • Show/Hide Names: “


  • Show/Hide Scores: Tab, RB (Pad 1)


  • Prev score page: Home


  • Next score page: End


  • Save screenshot: F10


  • Chat: Enter


  • Chat to all: T


  • Open/Close Chat: C


  • Analyzer: *


  • Reset head tracking: <None>


  • Camera up: Page Up


  • Camera down: Page Down


  • Camera 1: Num 1


  • Camera 2: Num 2


  • Camera 3: Num 3


  • Camera 4: Num 4


  • Camera 5: Num 5


  • Camera 6: Num 6


  • Camera free: Num 7


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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