Controls for Retro Commander
Articles, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
28 Feb 2022
This guide outlines all the keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys you can use in Retro Commander on your PC:
Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys
- Home: Open in-game menu.
- Spacebar: Reset the selection.
- H: Center Commander.
- B: Select ground combat troops.
- N: Select next unit of same type.
- 1-8: Select a squad.
- 1-8 (Shift): Add selection to squad.
- 1-8 (Ctrl): Set selection as squad.
- 1-8 (Alt): Remove selection from squad.
- F: Ungroup squad.
- Tilde 1-9: Nuke selection. Also pushing Shift will select up to 4 ICBMs.
- C: Create on map.
- E and Q: Rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise.
- R: Repair selection.
- V: Upgrade selection.
- Z: Remove selection.
- T: Select hosted.
- X: Stop selection.
- G: Drop flag.
- Y: Detonate.
- U: Open & Close Mini Map.
- =: Increase speed.
- –: Decrease speed.
- F1-F24: Building and selection.
The following key mappings are system defined.
- A S D W / ↑ ↓ ← →: Scrolling.
- A S D W / ↑ ↓ ← → (Shift): Fast scrolling.
- I: Zoom in.
- O: Zoom out.
- P: Reset zoom.
- K: Min. zoom.
- L: Max. zoom.
- Enter: Chat.
- Enter (Shift): Team Chat.
- Ctrl + C: Copy.
- Ctrl + C (Shift): Copy All.
- Ctrl + V: Paste.
- Ctrl + X: Cut.
- Ctrl + A: Select All.
- Ctrl + Z: Undo.
- Ctrl + Z (Ctrl + Y): Redo.
- Ctrl + S: Save file.
- PgUp / PgDn: Page scrolling.
- Esc: Deselect, close dialog/popup, go back.
- Esc + Shift: Enter/Exit fullscreen mode.
- Tab: Next input.
- Tab + Shift: Previous input.
- Alt + F1: Takes a screenshot (PNG, uncompressed).
- Alt + F2: Record animation for mouse position (GIF).
- Alt + F8: Submit log files to developer.
The following key mappings are available on some devices only.
- Camera: Takes a screenshot (PNG, uncompressed).