PC Controls for Fallout 3
Articles, Fallout, Game Controls & Hotkeys, Misc. Guides /
23 Dec 2021
Here’s a handy guide that lays out all the default PC keyboard controls and hotkeys for Fallout 3. Don’t worry, the game’s control scheme isn’t overly complex. But if you ever need a quick refresher, this guide is your go-to resource, especially when your memory might be a bit foggy!!
All PC Settings
Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings
General Controls
- Open Pip-Boy: Tab
- Hold for Pip-Boy Light: Tab (Hold)
- Auto Move: Q
- Move Forward: W
- Activate: E
- Ready/Reload: R
- Wait: T
- Strafe Left: A
- Move Backward: S
- Strafe Right: D
- Change View: F
- Always Run: Caps Lock
- Run: Shift L
- Sneak: Ctrl L
- Aim/Block: Alt L
- Jump: Space
- Grab: Z
- Enter V.A.T.S. Mode: V (Press)
- Hold to Scan (V.A.T.S. Mode): V (Hold)
- Quick Save: F5
- Quick Load: F9
V.A.T.S. Controls:
- Enter V.A.T.S. Mode: V
- Hold to Scan: V (Hold)
- Select Target: Left Click
- Switch to a new target: Left Click on the left or right arrows
- Highlight specific body parts and Left Click: Use mouse
- Accept V.A.T.S. Targeting: E
- Exit V.A.T.S., Cancel Queued Attacks: Right Click
Mouse Controls for Combat:
- Attack: Left Click
- Aim/Block: Right Click
- Scroll to zoom your view in and out in third person: Click between first-person and third-person views
Default Control Scheme for PC