PC Controls for Warface: Clutch - Magic Game World

PC Controls for Warface: Clutch

PC Controls for Warface: Clutch

Check out this handy guide for all the default keyboard shortcuts and controls you’ll need for Warface: Clutch on your PC. There’s a bunch of keys so use this as a quick cheat sheet whenever you need to jog your memory. Also good news: you can totally change most of these key bindings to suit your style right from the settings menu!!



Default PC Keyboard Controls & Key Bindings


  • Move Forward: W


  • Move Back: S


  • Move Left: A


  • Move Right: D


  • Crouch: Left CTRL


  • Jump: Space


  • Go Prone: X


  • Run: Left Shift


  • Use/Interact: E


  • Slide: F




  • Shoot: LMB (Left Mouse Button)


  • Aim: RMB (Right Mouse Button)


  • Reload: R


  • Punch/Kick: V


  • Select Primary Weapon: 1


  • Select Secondary Weapon: 2


  • Select Knife/Melee Weapon: 3


  • Select Special Item: 5


  • Select Grenades: 4


  • Previous Weapon: Wheel down


  • Next Weapon: Wheel up


  • Customize Weapon: C


  • Last Used Item: Q



Communication and Miscellaneous

  • Global Chat: Y


  • Team Chat: U


  • Quick Chat 1: F1


  • Quick Chat 2: F2


  • Quick Chat 3: F3


  • Quick Chat 4: F4


  • Vote to Kick Player: K


  • Vote Yes: F5


  • Vote No: F8


  • Scoreboard/Map: Tab


  • Take Screenshot: F12


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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