Silence of the Siren PC Keyboard Controls Guide - Magic Game World

Silence of the Siren PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Silence of the Siren PC Keyboard Controls Guide

Silence of the Siren draws heavy inspiration from classic turn-based games like Might and Magic Heroes 2, and Heroes 3. This game features two distinct screens: the world map and the combat screen. We’ve put together a guide that covers all the controls and hotkeys for both screens, making it a great go-to resource whenever you need a quick refresher. Don’t forget to bookmark this page for easy access in the future!



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PC Keyboard Controls & How to Play

World Map

  • Close Active Window, Open Menu: Esc


  • Move Camera: W, A, S, D


  • Highlight Interactive Objects and Buildings: ALT


  • Reopen Dialog of Currently Visited Building: Spacebar


  • Switch to Next Commander: N


  • Confirm Default Option in Active Dialog: Space or Enter


  • Move Commander: Right Mouse Button


  • Move and Zoom Camera: Mouse Movement, Mouse Wheel Scroll


Silence of the Siren PC Keyboard Controls Guide




  • Close Active Window, Open Menu: Esc


  • Wait: W


  • Open Ability Book: A


  • Highlight Movement Range of Units Under the Cursor: Shift


  • Tiny Units: Ctrl


  • Unit’s Special Ability: S


  • Pass Turn: P


  • Highlight Movement Range of Units Under the Cursor: Shift


  • Tiny Units: Ctrl


  • Move, Target, Attack: Left Mouse Button


  • Show Unit Info: Right Mouse Button


Silence of the Siren PC Keyboard Controls Guide


Silence of the Siren PC Keyboard Controls Guide


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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