Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri PC Controls & Hotkeys - Magic Game World

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri PC Controls & Hotkeys

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri PC Controls & Hotkeys

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri’s finally hit Steam… yep, those classic gems we’ve been missing are making a comeback. You get to stake your claim on an alien planet swirling around Alpha Centauri, which is, you know, our Sun’s next-door neighbor in space. Dropped back in ’99, it’s kinda like the cool cousin or the offshoot – heck, let’s say the spiritual heir – to the big deal that is Sid Meier’s Civilization series. Officially? No one said they’re related, but c’mon, anyone who’s ever hustled for a “scientific victory” in Civilization by sending that spaceship to Alpha Centauri ain’t fooling anyone… it’s pretty clear.


In this guide, we’re laying out all the controls & hotkey list to make your playthrough quicker & more efficient; don’t forget to bookmark it for later, might come in handy.



Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys

Map Commands

  • V: Move units/View map


  • Z: Zoom in


  • X: Zoom out


  • Shift + Z: Standard zoom in


  • Shift + X: Standard zoom out


  • Ctrl + Z: Full zoom in


  • Ctrl + X: Full zoom out


  • Ctrl + Shift + X: Toggle flattened terrain


  • Ctrl + G: Toggle map & grid


  • Ctrl + Shift + G: Toggle base grid



Unit Action Commands

  • B: Construct Base (Colony Pod)


  • Shift + B: Join Base (Colony Pod)


  • B: Obliterate Base (Any Unit in Base)


  • F: Long Range Fire


  • I: Airdrop


  • O: Activate Special Ability


  • Shift + I: Psi Gate


  • O: Convoy Resources


  • D: Destroy Enhancements


  • Shift + D: Disband Unit


  • Shift + A: Automate Unit


  • P: Patrol


  • Ctrl + Shift + B: Automate Air Defense


  • G: Go to Base



Map Commands contd.

  • Ctrl + Shift + B: Show autoforward routes


  • Shift + P: Show patrol orders


  • T: Terrain Survey


  • Ctrl + N: Hide/Show Names & Production


  • Shift + N: Name Landmark


  • Ctrl + Shift + N: Erase Landmark


  • Ctrl + B: Locate Base


  • Bksp: Previous Cursor Position


  • Shift + Bksp: Next Cursor Position


  • C: Center screen



Terraform Commands

  • F: Cultivate Farm/Kelp Farm


  • F: Construct Soil Enricher (Over Farm)


  • M: Construct Mine/Mining Platform


  • S: Construct Solar Collector/Tidal Harness


  • R: Build Road


  • R: Build Road (Tube Over Road)


  • K: Construct Bunker


  • .: Construct Airbase


  • O: Construct Sensor Array


  • F: Remove Fungus


  • Ctrl + F: Plant Fungus


  • Shift + E: Construct Echelon Mirror


  • Shift + B: Construct Thermal Borehole


  • Q: Drill to Aquifer


  • ]: Terraform UP


  • [: Terraform DOWN


  • _: Terraform LEVEL


  • Ctrl + Shift + F: Farm+Solar+Road


  • Ctrl + Shift + M: Farm+Mine+Road


  • Ctrl + R: Construct Road To


  • Ctrl + T: Construct Tube To


  • Shift + A: Fully Automate Former



Game Commands

  • F11: Switch To Detailed Menus


  • F11: Switch To Simple Menus


  • Ctrl + P: Preferences


  • Ctrl + O: Advanced Preferences


  • Ctrl + A: Automation Preferences


  • Ctrl + 1: Audio/Visual Preferences


  • Ctrl + M: Map Display Preferences


  • Ctrl + S: Save Game


  • Ctrl + L: Load Game


  • Shift + Q: Resign


  • Ctrl + Q: Quit


  • Hold Shift: Speed Up Game during AI turn



Multiplayer Game Commands

  • Ctrl + C: Chat


  •  \ Hold: Voice Transmission


  • Bksp: Pause


  • Shift + T: Alter Time Controls


  • Ctrl + Enter: Zoom to Base Messages


  • Ctrl + Spacebar: Use Time Bonus


  • Ctrl + Enter: End Turn


  • Ctrl + Enter: Resume Turn



Base Commands

  • E: Social Engineering


  • Ctrl + R: Set Research Priorities


  • Shift + R: Change Research Goal


  • Ctrl + U: Design Workshop


  • F1: Datalinks


  • F2: Laboratories Status


  • F3: Energy Banks Status


  • F4: Base Operations Status


  • F5: Secret Project Data


  • F6: Orbital and Space Status


  • F7: Military Command Nexus


  • F8: Alpha Centauri Score


  • F9: View Monuments


  • F10: View Hall of Fame


  • F12: Communications and Protocol


  • ,: Corner Global Energy Market


  • =: Review Scenario Objectives


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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