Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown – Xbox One Controls - Magic Game World

Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown – Xbox One Controls

Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown – Xbox One Controls

Every control option on the Xbox One version of Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown.



Xbox One Controls

  • Left Stick – Pitch Up/Down; Turn or Roll Left/Right


  • Right Stick – Camera


  • Right Stick Click – Change View


  • RT – Accelerate


  • LT – Decelerate


  • LB – Yaw Left


  • RB – Yaw Right


  • Left Stick Click + Right Stick Click – Flare


  • Touch Pad – Toggle Radar Map – Touchpad


  • A – Fire Machine Gun


  • B – Fire Missile/Weapon


  • Y – Change Target


  • X – Change Weapon


  • Menu Button – Pause Menu On/Off


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  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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