Advanced List of Imperator: Rome Console Commands
Articles, Imperator: Rome /
29 Mar 2019
You can access all of them by booting up the game, pressing the tilde key (`), and typing “help” in the console.
Or hit ~ to open the console. Once open, press SHIFT + TAB at the same time to see all drop-down console commands. Happy cheating!
Note: Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary.
Advanced List of Imperator: Rome Console Commands
Command – Effect
- ae [amount] – Increases aggressive expansion by a specified number, or 20 if nothing is indicated.
- ai – Turns on / off control ai.
- adm [amount] – Get administrative power points (if not specified, gives 999).
- amnesia [countrytag] – Makes ai forget about the specified country.
- annex [countrytag] – Annexes the specific country to yours.
- army[cohortcount][province] – Adds specific amount of units in selected province.
- army_loyalty [prov] [amount] – Sets army loyalty to specified amount.
- cash [amount] – Adds specified amount of gold (Extra Money).
- centralisation [amount] – Increases centralization by a specified number.
- civil_war [countrytag] – Starts a civil war in the specified country.
- conquer [province] – Colonizes the specified city.
- control [province] – Occupies specified city.
- centralization [amount] – Sets centralization to specified amount.
- civilwar [countrytag] – Starts a civil war in the specified country.
- conquer [provid] – Conquer specified province.
- debug_mode – Displays province ID, country tag, and border distance when mousing over provinces.
- declare_war [Country 1] [Country 2] – Makes the country1 declare war on the country2.
- deplay_diplo – Turns on / off instant reaction to diplomatic actions.
- dip [amount] – Get diplomatic power points (if not specified, gives 999).
- event [Event ID] [Target] – Runs an event by its ID for a specific target (if specified).
- exile – The selected detachment of troops makes it “expelled” (by analogy with a detachment outside its native provinces after the end of the war).
- halt – The selected unit stops moving to another city, even if it has already passed more than half the way.
- healthy_economy – Shows % of the state of health of the economy of all countries of the world.
- horde [province] – Spawns a barbarian horde in a specified province.
- forcepeace – Instantly ends current wars.
- fow – Toggles fog of war on/off.
- instant_war – the delay between declarations of war on/off.
- kill [id] – Kills target.
- legitimacy [amount] – Sets the legitimacy of the current ruler.
- make_child [mother] [father] – Spawns a child for the specified parents.
- manpower [amount] – Add the specified amount of Manpower – Extra manpower (in thousands).
- marry [Character ID 1] [Character ID 2 ] – two characters are getting married.
- mil [amount] – Get military power points (if not specified, gives 999).
- navy [shipcount][province] – Spawns specified amount of Triremes in the province.
- revolt [countrytag] – Starts a revolt in a specified country.
- pirates [city number] – Places 7 pirate triremes in the specified sea.
- power [amount] – Gives 3 effects of +1000 to civic power, oratory, and religious.
- prestige [amount] – Adds prestige. Gives 5 prestige if no amount is given.
- sailors [amount] – Extra sailors.
- select_province [city number] – Selects the city with the specified number.
- set_age [Character ID] [amount] – Changes the age of the specified character by the specified number.
- state_loyalty [city number] [amount] – Increases province loyalty.
- stab [amount] – Sets stability to the specified number, or to the maximum, if nothing is indicated.
- tag [Country Tag] – This allows you to manage the specified country.
- ti – Toggles terra incognita on/off.
- tick_day [number of days] – Advances time by a specified number of days.
- tyranny [amount] – Increases the level of tyranny by the specified amount, or by 10 if nothing is specified.
- warexhaustion [amount] – Increases military fatigue by the specified number, or by a maximum, if nothing is indicated.
- unrest [City number] [amount] – Increases the level of unrest in the specified city by the specified number or by 8 if it is not specified.
- yesman – Toggle AI diplomatic responses (on: always accept; off: normal response).
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