Age of Empires 4 Cheats & Console Commands - Magic Game World

Age of Empires 4 Cheats & Console Commands

Age of Empires 4 Cheats & Console Commands

Many players want to know how to use cheat codes in Age of Empires 4. There are a few hidden cheat codes and console commands that players can use in the game. In this guide, we’ll go over how they work and how to use them. Add the ‘-dev’ startup parameter to Age of Empires 4 within Steam (game properties > type ‘-dev’ in the text field below the launch options).


In a single-player game, press the ALT + SHIFT + tilde key to access the console (tilde is the key below ESC or above TAB). From there you can type one of the following console commands.


Note you can easily copy and paste the following commands using CTRL + C → CTRL + V, eliminating the need to write them by hand each time. If you want to repeat a command, press the arrow up button to get the last command you sent.



Cheat Codes & Console Commands

Add 1000 Resources

Command_PlayerBroadcastMessage(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 0, “ECONOMY”)



Instant Build

Command_PlayerBroadcastMessage(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 0, “INSTANTBUILD”)



Next Age

Command_PlayerBroadcastMessage(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 0, “AGEUP”)



Removes Fog of War

Command_PlayerBroadcastMessage(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 0, “FOW”)




Command_PlayerBroadcastMessage(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), Game_GetLocalPlayer(), 0, “INVULNERABLE”)



Set Population Cap in Campaign

Player_SetMaxCapPopulation(Game_GetLocalPlayer(), CT_Personnel, 5000)


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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