Age of Empires 4: Why Can’t I Win Even After Defeating Everyone in Skirmish Mode? - Magic Game World

Age of Empires 4: Why Can’t I Win Even After Defeating Everyone in Skirmish Mode?

Age of Empires 4: Why Can’t I Win Even After Defeating Everyone in Skirmish Mode?

You’ve just crushed your rivals in Age of Empires 4; every single unit has been wiped out, and all the buildings have been utterly demolished. You’re primed and ready for your well-earned victory celebration, yet it’s mysteriously absent. If this situation rings a bell, take a deep breath—there’s no glitch…


Well, if you dive into Skirmish mode and pick the Sandbox setting without setting any specific victory conditions, you’ve essentially given yourself a never-ending canvas of gameplay. You can crush your enemies, level their units and buildings, but the game will keep on ticking.



Why the Game Won’t End Even After Defeating All Opponents in Skirmish Mode

To sidestep an eternal gameplay loop and carve out a clear path to triumph, it’s crucial to set your victory conditions before the game kicks off. These conditions lay down the law for how & when the game will wrap up, crowning the victor. Here’s a rundown of the main victory conditions at your disposal:


  • Landmarks Destruction (Annihilation/Regicide): Here your mission is to take down particular enemy landmarks or their king, providing a more direct and combative route to victory.


  • Sacred Site: This is akin to a King of the Hill challenge, where your objective is to seize and maintain control of a sacred site for a predetermined amount of time…


  • Wonder: In this scenario, your task is to construct a wonder and ensure its protection.



Standing Apart from the Crowd

It’s important to note that Age of Empires 4 doesn’t play by the same rulebook as some other strategy games, such as Company of Heroes, Rise of Nations and Empire Earth. In CoH for example, demolishing the enemy’s stronghold can instantly secure your victory. But in AoE 4, simply obliterating your adversary’s base and forces won’t cut it; you need to ensure your actions align with the victory conditions you’ve set beforehand…


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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