Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Console Commands
Age of Empires 2, Articles /
11 Jun 2019
Console Commands
While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: In a multiplayer game, the “Enable Cheats” box in the lower right corner must be checked in order for the codes to work.
Cheat Codes
Result: Cheat Code
- 1000 gold: robin hood
- 1000 wood: lumberjack
- 1000 stone: rock on
- 1000 food: cheese steak jimmy’s
- Instant victory: i r winner
- Instant loss: resign
- Fast building: aegis
- Full map: marco
- Kill indicated opponent: torpedo[number]
- Kill all opponents: black death
- No shadows: polo
- Control animals: natural wonders
- VDML: i love the monkey head
- Cobra car: how do you turn this on
- Saboteur to smithereens: wimpywimpywimpy
Cheat Codes (alternate)
While playing the game, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result: Cheat Code
- Fast construction: [Ctrl] + Q
- Build immutable structure: [Ctrl] + P
- Alternate resource menu: [Ctrl] + T
- View ending sequence: [Ctrl] + C