Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas: New Civs and Their Bonuses Guide - Magic Game World

Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas: New Civs and Their Bonuses Guide

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Cheats

1) Burmese:

Monk & Elephant civilization

Free Lumbercamp upgrades

Infantry +1 attack per Age

Monastery techs 50% cheaper

Unique Unit:

Arambai (ranged cavalry)

Unique Technologies:

Howdah: Battle Elephants +1/+2 armor

Manipur Cavalry: Cavalry and Arambai +6 attack vs buildings

Team Bonus:

Relics visible on map



2) Khmer:

Siege & Elephant civilization

No buildings required to advance to the next Age or to unlock other buildings

Battle Elephants +15% faster

Villagers can garrison in Houses

Unique Unit:

Ballista Elephant (cavalry siege)

Unique Technologies:

Tusk Swords: Battle Elephants +3 attack

Double Crossbow: Ballista Elephants and Scorpions shoot two projectiles

Team Bonus:

Scorpions +1 range



3) Malay:

Naval civilization

Advancing to Ages +100% faster

Fishing Ships and Fish Traps cost -33%

Fish Traps provide unlimited food

Battle Elephants 20% cheaper

Unique Unit:

Karambit Warrior (infantry)

Unique Technologies:

Thalassocracy: Docks upgraded to Harbors, which shoot arrows

Forced Levy: Militia-line costs no gold

Team Bonus:

Docks +100% LOS



4) Vietnamese:

Archer civilization

Reveal enemy positions at game start

Archery Range units +10% HP Feudal, +15% Castle, +20% Imperial Age

Free Conscription

Unique Unit:

Rattan Archer (archer)

Unique Technologies:

Chatras: Battle Elephants +30 HP

Paper Money: Tributes 500 gold to each Ally

Team Bonus:

Have access to Imperial Skirmisher upgrade


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