Age of Mythology: Retold PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts Guide - Magic Game World

Age of Mythology: Retold PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts Guide

Age of Mythology: Retold PC Keyboard Controls & Shortcuts Guide

Age of Mythology: Retold drops you into massive fights with gods and myths and puts a new spin on the original Age of Mythology… Before you channel your inner Poseidon or unleash Hades; let’s get familiar with the controls. Check out this quick rundown of default keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys to help you crush Titans and Demi-Gods like a champ! Want to dominate those multiplayer matches? This guide will give you the edge!!



All PC Settings



All the Hotkeys You Need

Command Hotkeys

Attack Move: SPACE


Line Formation: A


Box Formation: S


Spread Formation: D


Wedge Formation: F


Aggressive Stance: Z


Defensive Stance: X


Stand Ground: C


No Attack: V


Villager Normal Stance: SHIFT-A


Villager Stand Ground Stance: SHIFT-S


Show Economic Commands: H


Heroize Military: H


Heroize Citizen: A


Convert to Gate: W


Gather Point: ALT-Z


Stop: ALT-Z


Garrison: ALT-X


Return to Work: ALT-C


Timeshift: ALT-C


Eject Garrisoned Units: ALT-X


Repair: ALT-V


Seek Shelter: ALT-C


Patrol: ALT-V


Delete Selected Units: DELETE


Cancel Formation: S



All Find and Select Unit Hotkeys

Select All Land/Naval Military Units: SHIFT-SPACE


Select All of the Currently Selected Unit: SHIFT-CONTROL-SPACE


Select All Idle Villagers: SHIFT-.


Find Idle Villager Group: .


Find All Idle Fishing Ship Group: MOUSE3DOWN


Select All Idle Caravans: ALT-T


Find Idle Caravan Group: MOUSE3DOWN


Find Idle Land Military: ,


Select All Idle Land Military: ALT-A


Find Hero: ALT-D


Select All Heroes: SHIFT-ALT-D


Select All Idle Warships: ALT-S


Select All Warships: SHIFT-ALT-S


Find Scout: /


Find Pharaoh: P



All Finding Buildings Hotkeys

Find All Production Buildings: CONTROL-ALT-SPACE


Find All Town Centers: SHIFT-CONTROL-Z


Find House or Manor: CONTROL-Q


Find Food Dropsite: CONTROL-W


Find Gold Dropsite: CONTROL-W


Find Gold Dropsite: CONTROL-E


Find Wood Dropsite: CONTROL-R


Find All Temples: SHIFT-CONTROL-T




Find All Markets: SHIFT-CONTROL-G


Find All Armories: SHIFT-CONTROL-H


Find All Archery Ranges or Monuments: SHIFT-CONTROL-A


Find All Barracks: SHIFT-CONTROL-S


Find All Stables or Siege Works: SHIFT-CONTROL-D


Find All Towers: SHIFT-CONTROL-C


Find All Fortresses: SHIFT-CONTROL-V


Find Wonder: CONTROL-N


Find Sky Passage: CONTROL-J



All General Gameplay Hotkeys

Cast Godpower 1: F1


Cast Godpower 2: F2


Cast Godpower 3: F3


Cast Godpower 4: F4


Cancel All Queued Items: BACKSPACE


Cancel Autoqueue in All Military Buildings: SHIFT-CONTROL-BACKSPACE


Find Selection: O


Find Last Notification: ]


Flare Mini Map: ALT-F


Cycle Selected Units (Forward): TAB


Cycle Selected Units (Backward): CONTROL-TAB



Menu and Interface Hotkeys

Show Game Menu: ESC


Hide Game Menu: ESC


Exit Tech Tree: ESC


Pause/Unpause Gameplay: PAUSE


Display Objectives Dialog: F6


Display Diplomacy Dialog: F7


Quick Save Game: F8


Quick Load Game: F9


Toggle Score Display: F10


Toggle Game Time: F11


Screenshot: F12


Toggle Friend or Foe Colors: CONTROL-ALT-F


Show Chat Window: ENTER


Chat Scroll Backward: PAGEUP


Chat Scroll Forward: PAGEDOWN


Close Controls Popup: ESC


Previous: Q


Next: E



All Camera Navigation Hotkeys

Move Camera Left: ARROWLEFT


Move Camera Right: ARROWRIGHT


Move Camera Forward: ARROWUP


Move Camera Backward: ARROWDOWN


Move Camera Forward Left: NUMPAD7


Move Camera Forward Right: NUMPAD9


Move Camera Backward Left: NUMPAD1


Move Camera Backward Right: NUMPAD3


Move Camera with Mouse: MOUSE2DOWN


Camera Zoom In: NUMPADPLUS


Camera Zoom Out: NUMPADMINUS






Reset Camera Rotation and Zoom: CONTROL-MOUSE3DOWN


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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