Age of Wonders 4 Cheat Codes and Console Commands - Magic Game World

Age of Wonders 4 Cheat Codes and Console Commands


Age of Wonders 4, like many other Paradox Interactive games such as Stellaris, Europa Universalis 4, and Crusader Kings 3, offers a variety of cheat codes and console commands to enhance your gaming experience. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to access the in-game console & provide an exhaustive list of cheat codes and console commands, complete with detailed explanations.



How to Access the In-Game Console

To unlock the in-game console where you can enter cheat codes and console commands, follow these simple instructions:


  • Launch your game and proceed with gameplay as you typically would.


  • After your kingdom is fully loaded, press the CTRL+ALT+C keys simultaneously.


  • A pop-up window will appear in the lower-middle section of your screen, which will serve as the space for you to input various console commands.


Now that you know how to access the console, let’s explore the available console commands for Age of Wonders 4.



Complete List of Cheat Codes and Console Commands for AoW 4

  • cruijff: Activates unlimited movement for units.


  • oldenbarnevelt: Adds 100,000 Imperium to your resources.


  • rembrandt: Adds 100,000 Gold to your resources.


  • iamgod: Enables instant victories in auto-combat situations.


  • tasman: Discovers the entire map without revealing it.


  • barentz: Discovers and unveils the whole map, including terrain and enemy locations.


  • unexplore: Resets the map to an unexplored state.


  • ikbedoelalles: Unlocks all global operations.


  • switch_tm: Toggles between simultaneous and classic turn modes.


  • questmaster: Enables or disables quests.


  • masterskills: Unlocks all available research.


  • leeuwenhoek: Instantly completes your current research project.


  • hauer: Levels up the selected stack of units.


  • philips: Activates instant production of units and buildings.


  • optimalprime: Enables instant priming of operations.


  • demo: Unlocks all research, adds 100,000 gold, enables instant production, and activates instant operation priming.


  • makevassal: Transforms the selected free city or player into a vassal state.


  • eendracht: Adds one fake beacon to contribute towards an expansion victory.


  • eenheid: Adds the maximum number of fake sectors for an expansion victory.


  • verdoemenis: Adds one fake root node to contribute towards a magic victory.


  • flyingdutchman: Enables infinite movement, grants 100,000 gold, and explores and reveals the map.


  • huygens: Gains one affinity level for each affinity and unlocks the empire progression tree within the first 10 turns.


  • spaargaren: Unlocks the empire progression tree within the first 10 turns.


  • rallythelieges: Initiates the next Rally of the Lieges event.


  • engelen: Obtains positive alignment in all channels.


  • demonen: Obtains negative alignment in all channels.


  • martin: Increases the maximum hero cap to 999.


  • genprisonhero: Generates a random hero in the prison.


  • gencrypthero: Generates a random hero in the crypt.


  • makeneutral: Sets diplomatic relations to neutral with the selected independent city or player.


  • makeally: Forges an alliance with the selected independent city or player.


  • makehappy: Enhances relations with the selected independent city or player.


  • makeangry: Deteriorates relations with the selected independent city or player.


  • lely: Enables instant operations.


  • voorhees: Toggles unlocking all non-signature hero skills.


  • ruijter: Adds one copy of each hero item to the hero item store.


  • completechapter: Finishes the current research chapter.


  • instantskills: Activates instant research.


  • freepop: Instantly increases the population of the selected city.


  • medic: Heals the selected unit.


  • victory1: Initiates an instant military victory.


  • victory2: Initiates an instant expansion victory.


  • victory3: Initiates an instant magic victory.


  • victory4: Initiates an instant score victory.


  • hein: Triggers an instant score victory.


  • defeat1: Initiates an instant leader killed defeat.


  • defeat2: Initiates an instant throne city lost defeat.


  • defeat3: Initiates an instant expansion defeat.


  • defeat4: Initiates an instant magic defeat.


  • defeat5: Initiates an instant score defeat.


  • willem: Triggers an instant score defeat.


  • genhero: Generates a random off-map hero.


  • revealpersonality: Unveils the personality traits of the selected AI player.


  • warlord: Declares war on all other players.


  • improverelation: Improves relations with the selected city.


  • makecoop: Forms a pact of cooperation with the selected independent city or player.


  • makeloyal: Enters into a loyalty agreement with the chosen independent city or player.


  • makeintegrated: Creates an agreement for integration with the chosen independent city or player.


  • makewar: Starts a war with the selected independent city or player.


Age of Wonders 4 Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Tips for New Players


Age of Wonders 4: Faction Creation and Customization Guide


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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