Age of Wonders 4: Infestations - Magic Game World

Age of Wonders 4: Infestations


Infestation areas are under the control of Marauders. These Marauders increase in numbers over time and will eventually take over adjacent provinces. Periodically, they send out raiding parties that can start a siege on a city without needing a hero. Infestation areas have a central structure called the Infestation Spawner, which goes through several stages as it activates and sends out raiding parties.



Infestation Stages and Turn Cycle

Infestations go through several stages, with each stage taking several turns to activate:


  • Deep Sleep/Sleeping/Awakening: The infestation becomes active.


  • Patrolling: The infestation patrols its domain.


  • Invasion: A raiding party emerges and can potentially start a siege.


  • Recovering: The infestation reinforces its patrolling armies.



Infestation Effects on Provinces

When an Infestation spreads into one of your provinces, it will continuously pillage its province improvement until the Infestation Spawner is destroyed.



Destroying Infestation Spawners

Taking out the Infestation Spawner is crucial to clearing an infestation from your territory. Destroying it grants great rewards to the one who destroys it, based on the tier and size of the Infestation.


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  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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