Age of Wonders 4: Treaties and Diplomatic States - Magic Game World

Age of Wonders 4: Treaties and Diplomatic States

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Treaties are agreements between two empires that enable cooperation and assistance. To form a treaty, you must have positive relations with the other empire. The more advanced the treaty, the higher the required relations. Treaties are permanent and cannot be broken without consequences, such as impacting your alignment or causing grievances.



Types of Treaties

There are various treaties available in Age of Wonders 4, each providing unique benefits:


  • Wizard’s Bond: This is the most basic treaty and the starting point for diplomatic relations. It reveals Throne Cities and enables the Call to War interaction. No other treaties are required for this bond.


  • Open Borders: Allows armies to enter each other’s provinces without trespassing. Requires a Wizard’s Bond.


  • Province-Claiming Pact: Enables cities to build on each other’s claimed provinces without causing grievances. Requires a Wizard’s Bond.


  • Defensive Pact: If either empire is attacked, the other empire must declare war on the attacker or break the treaty. Requires a Wizard’s Bond.


  • Teleporter Pact: Armies can teleport to each other’s Teleporters. Requires Open Borders.


  • Shared Vision: Empires can see each other’s vision and explored areas. Requires a Defensive Pact.


  • Alliance: If either empire goes to war, the other empire must declare war on the same empire or break the treaty. Requires a Defensive Pact.



Establishing Treaties

To establish treaties with other empires, you must first increase your relations with them. This can be done through various actions like completing quests or trading. The more advanced the treaty, the higher the required relations. It’s important to note that broken treaties and pacts can have a negative impact on your relations with other empires and may even provoke wars.



Ending Treaties

Treaties can only be ended after at least five turns have passed since signing it. Ending a treaty will result in your empire gaining an Evil alignment and the other empire gaining 5 Grievances. This can lead to a decline in relations and potential conflicts.


While forming alliances may be the ultimate goal in diplomacy, it’s crucial to consider the potential consequences. Alliances require an automatic call to war when a member is attacked. This means that befriending a warlord might not always be the best idea. In some cases, maintaining a healthy distance can be a better diplomatic approach.


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  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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