Age of Wonders 4: Victory Conditions - Magic Game World

Age of Wonders 4: Victory Conditions

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In Age of Wonders 4, there are four main victory conditions that players can pursue to achieve victory over their opponents: Military Victory, Expansion Victory, Magic Victory, and Score Victory.



Military Victory:

Military Victory is a straightforward condition that involves defeating all non-allied factions. To achieve this victory, you must accomplish two tasks: force the enemy ruler into the Astral Void and capture or destroy their Throne City.


  • Killing the ruler in combat sends them to the Astral Void, and they will respawn at their Throne City unless it is captured by another faction.


  • To secure alliances with other factions, develop a Wizard’s Bond and establish a Defensive Alliance before moving to a full-fledged Alliance. Be cautious about forming alliances, as you will be dragged into your allies’ wars, whether they are the aggressor or defender.


  • You do not need to defeat factions with which you have an alliance if Allied victories are enabled.


  • Keep in mind that alliances may not be permanent.



Expansion Victory:

To achieve the Expansion Victory, you must control a large number of provinces determined by the realm’s size. After reaching the required number, you can build Beacons of Unity in three different cities and defend them for 15 turns against enemy attacks.


  • Plan your strategy early and scout for free cities promptly to maximize your territorial expansion.


  • Use Whispering Stones to make free cities your vassals before moving the stones to another city.


  • Strengthen your vassal relationships to Bonded Vassalage to count towards your required Province count without using a Whispering Stone.


  • Focus on food production structures, such as farms, pastures, and Imperium, to accelerate city growth and claim more provinces quickly.



Magic Victory:

For the Magic Victory, you must build three specific Affinity Province improvements, which are determined by your Tome selection for tiers 3, 4, and 5. After constructing these improvements, you must cast a spell for 15 turns while defending them against enemy forces.


  • Pursue knowledge to progress through the tomes faster by exploiting provinces, outposts, and cities.


  • Accumulate knowledge through events and city structures.


  • Be aware that building any of the specific Province improvements reveals their locations to all factions, making you a target.


  • Successfully defend the three improvements for 15 turns to achieve Magic Victory.



Score Victory:

Score Victory is a more obscure condition determined by the size of your military, the number of provinces you control, and your overall magical and economic standing. This victory type only triggers when the timer runs out, offering a more holistic view of your performance.


  • Ideally, aim to secure one of the other victory types rather than relying on Score Victory.


  • Maintain a strong military, control numerous provinces, and build a robust magical and economic foundation to increase your chances of achieving a Score Victory.


Age of Wonders 4 Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Tips for New Players


Age of Wonders 4: Faction Creation and Customization Guide


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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