Age of Wonders: Planetfall – All Console Commands List – How to Use Console Commands
Age of Wonders: Planetfall, Articles /
08 Aug 2019
While playing the game, press ^Ctrl + Alt + C to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Code – Effect
- tasman – explores the map
- barentz – explores the map and turns off fog of war
- cruijff – all units have infinite movement
- hauer – level up all units and heroes in the selected army
- hein – win the current game
- oppenheimer – win the current game through doomsday victory
- surrendertome – forces the AI to surrender
- leeuwenhoek – completes the current research
- philips – completes the production queue in every city
- rembrandt – grants 100000 Energy and Cosmite
- masterskills – completes all research
- instantskills – skills research instantly
- ruijter unlocks – all hero equipment
- oldenbarnevelt – grants maximum influence
- oppenheimer – win the current game through doomsday victory
- ikbedoelalles – unlocks all world map operations from all races and secret techs
- freepop – only works with colony selected, gives the colony an additional colonist.
- iamgod – always win in auto combat
- optimalprime – enables operations to instantly prime
- appeasefaction – only works with faction units selected, improves relations with selected faction
- hatefaction – only works with faction units selected, decreases relations with selected faction
- makeally – only works when looking at a commander in the diplomacy screen, changes diplomatic state with that commander to an alliance
- (Other cheats for diplomatic states are; makedefensive, makepeace, makeneutral, makewar)
Some of cheat codes, such as freepop, can be scaled by adding a number and a space in front. For example; ’10 freepop’ as a cheat, will give you 10 colonists in the selected colony