Ancestors Legacy PC Keyboard Shortcuts
Ancestors Legacy, Articles /
13 May 2018
Here’s a list of all the default keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys you can use in Ancestors Legacy.
PC Keyboard Controls
- WSAD: Move the camera
- Mousewheel: Zoom
- LMB: Select
- RMB: Move/attack
- Z: Action camera
- R, T, Y, U, F, G, H, J, V, B, N, M: Unit commands
- Ctrl + A: Select visible unit
- Ctrl + Shift + A: Select all squads
- Shift + LMB: Add/remove from selection
- Spacebar: Show unit paths
- Shift + Space: Jump to an event
- Esc: Pause menu
- X: Mini-map size toggle
- F1 through F6: Menu tabs
- Enter: Team chat
- Tab: Toggle Team/Public chat
- Alt + 1/2/3/4: Message ping (attack/defend/follow/retreat)
- Alt + LMB: Generic ping