Animal Crossing: New Horizons – How to Use an Axe
Animal Crossing, Articles /
22 Mar 2020
- Equip the Axe by going into your inventory (X) and selecting to Hold the item (A).
- Or, you can cycle through your tools until you get to the Axe by pressing Left or Right.
- To use the Axe, simply walk up close to a tree and press A.
- For all of the existing trees in your part of the island at the beginning, you can strike them tree times to get different types of wood.
- Using an axe to chop a tree won’t cut it down, but you won’t be able to harvest wood from it again for a while.
- You can also use the Axe on the rocks that you see by pressing A.
- By using your Axe on a rock, you can acquire stones, iron nuggets, Bells, and sometimes a centipede will crawl out – which you can catch with your Net.
- Striking a rock with the earliest Axe in New Horizons won’t destroy the rock, and it can be harvested from with multiple strikes.