Anno 1800 PC Cheats - Magic Game World

Anno 1800 PC Cheats

Anno 1800 PC Cheats

Unlockable First-Person Mode

How To Unlock the First-Person Mode?: You can unlock this “hidden” mode by pressing the following keyboard keys at the same time: Ctrl + Shift + R.


In First-Person Mode you get to walk around by yourself in the city you built, with standard WSAD keyboard key movement for up, down, left & right movement and the spacebar key for jumping.



How To Make Money Quickly

Completing Quests

Throughout the game, you will be able to complete many different quests which will reward you with a good amount of money,


If you do not have any quests you can ask for a quest from the Diplomacy screen. Just click on the middle button present below the minimap, then select a player, then click the action button to ask for a quest.


This will give you a variety of quests some of them are easy to complete and some are troublesome. Regardless of the tasks, completing them can get you a high reward.




It is the basic way to make money in the game. There are two worlds each having a different tier population.


The Old World has five population levels and the new world has two population levels. With the increase in each level, the tax money received increases.


So it is best to complete all the requirements for your citizens to increase their population-level quickly and thereby increasing the money you earn from taxes.



Income from Visitors

Another way to increase money is by making your city beautiful and attractive which will attract visitors and tourists.


The attractiveness of the city depends on various factors.


Culture – constructions of zoos, museums and rare objects make the city culturally active.


Nature – This is simple, the more trees and plants your city has the more will it increase the attractiveness.


Festivity – this is connected to the happiness of the citizen. the higher their happiness the higher will be the festivity.


Pollution – having a high number of factories decreases the attractiveness of the city.


Instability – having a high number of wars and protests decreases the attractiveness.


Vulgarity – a higher number of military and ruins facilities decreases your city attractiveness.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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