Another Crab's Treasure Controls (Xbox & PC) - Magic Game World

Another Crab’s Treasure Controls (Xbox & PC)

Another Crab's Treasure Controls (Xbox & PC)

Here’s a quick rundown of the default keyboard and Xbox gamepad controls for Another Crab’s Treasure. In addition, there’s a video available that thoroughly covers all the PC game settings you might want to tweak, including video quality, graphics, and control configurations.



All PC Settings



PC Keyboard Controls

  • Walk Right/Left:


  • Walk Right: D


  • Walk Left: A


  • Walk Forward/Back:


  • Walk Forward: W


  • Walk Backward: S


  • Interact: E


  • Attack: Left Mouse Button


  • Block: Right Mouse Button


  • Jump: Space


  • Dodge: Left Shift


  • Tap to Sprint: C


  • Heal: R


  • Grapple: F


  • Shell Spell: Left Control


  • Use Adaptation: Q


  • Swap Adaptation: Tab


  • Swap Hammer: V


  • Focus: Middle Mouse Button


  • Swap Focus Right: 2


  • Swap Focus Left: 1


  • Swap Focus Up:


  • Swap Focus Down:


  • Rotate Camera:


  • Rotate Camera Right:


  • Rotate Camera Left:


  • Tilt Camera:


  • Rotate Camera: Mouse Horizontal


  • Rotate Camera Right:


  • Rotate Camera Left:


  • Tilt Camera: Mouse Vertical



Xbox Gamepad Controls

  • Walk Right/Left: Left Stick X


  • Walk Right:


  • Walk Left:


  • Walk Forward/Back: Left Stick Y


  • Walk Forward:


  • Walk Backward:


  • Interact: Y


  • Attack: Right Shoulder


  • Block: Left Shoulder


  • Jump: A


  • Dodge: B


  • Tap to Sprint: Left Stick Button


  • Heal: D-Pad Up


  • Grapple: Left Trigger


  • Shell Spell: X


  • Use Adaptation: Right Trigger


  • Swap Adaptation: D-Pad Left


  • Swap Hammer: D-Pad Down


  • Focus: Right Stick Button


  • Swap Focus Right: Right Stick Right


  • Swap Focus Left: Right Stick Left


  • Swap Focus Up: Right Stick Up


  • Swap Focus Down: Right Stick Down


  • Rotate Camera:


  • Rotate Camera Right:


  • Rotate Camera Left:


  • Tilt Camera:


  • Rotate Camera: Right Stick X


  • Rotate Camera Right:


  • Rotate Camera Left:


  • Tilt Camera: Right Stick Y


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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