ArcheAge: Unchained Cheats
ArcheAge: Unchained, Cheats /
18 Oct 2019
Essential Leveling Tips and Tricks
- Chop Every Tree.
- Get at least 2 or more mounts. Also buy “Shabby Pet Leggards” for 3.2 silver each (From Stable Master)
- Elk mount has a leap and Archer Abilities, Tiger Mount has a stun and an Invincible Dash.
- Avoid using hereafter stones. (General Merchants sell them for 75s each)
- The Experimental Glider can be crafted up to an Ultimate Glider for 30 Gilda. (Don’t do this method if you are rushing Gilda for Housing/Boats)
- Work on your Level-Based Achievements as you quest.
- If you die to mobs, Pray to Nui Priestess to restore XP.
- Quest with mounts and battle pets out to level them up.
- Partial completion of a quest gives the same XP as full completion.
- Avoid PvPing to leveling faster.
- Open Crates to get 3k xp pots.
- Arenas give Kyrios badges. 3 Kyrios badges = 10k xp.
- Start doing CR/GR as soon as possible.
- Gear level requirements: 1, 28, 40, 50.
- Set recall to Marianople/Austera.
- Raids give half XP. (2 players in a raid receive half the XP rather than 2 players in a party)