ArcheAge: Unchained – Daily Naval Quests
ArcheAge: Unchained, Articles /
03 Nov 2019
There are 4 different naval quests that you can do daily to farm Gilda stars if you have a combat-capable ship. These quests can be accessed at NPC’s located at docks.
- Enemies of the Sea Trade – rewards 1 Gilda Star.
- Ghosts from the Depths [Epic] – rewards 1 Gilda Star.
- Stopping Doomsday – rewards 1 Gilda Star
- Ghosts of Delphinad [Legendary] – rewards 3 Gilda Stars.
“Ghosts from the Depths” requires you to kill three ghost ships and “Ghosts of Delphinad” requires you to kill a Delphinad ghost ship. These quests are hard and best done in a group of high level players.