ArcheAge: Unchained – How to Craft Cart Wheels
ArcheAge: Unchained, Articles /
03 Nov 2019
How to Craft Cart Wheels
To craft a single cart wheel you need the following items:
- -10 x Lumber
- -10 x Iron Ingot
You get lumber by processing logs at a carpentry station, where three logs give a single piece of lumber. Similarly, you get iron ingots by processing iron ore at a smelter, where three iron ore give a single piece of an iron ingot. Once you have the materials you put them together at a carpentry workbench.
This means that to get 4 cart wheels for a farm cart you need to get 120 logs and 120 iron ore, process them to 40 lumber and 40 iron ingots and then put them together to make the 4 wheels.