ARK: Survival Ascended - How to Find & Tame a Rhyniognatha - Magic Game World

ARK: Survival Ascended – How to Find & Tame a Rhyniognatha

ARK: Survival Ascended - How to Find & Tame a Rhyniognatha

Alright folks in our recent guides we’ve been covering the basics but now it’s time to dive deep into the nitty-gritty of Ark Survival Ascended… We’re talkin’ about how to score yourself a Rhyniognatha – or as I like to call ’em, Rhynios??



Finding Your Rhynio

First up location location location… You gotta know where to look right?? The sweet spot for finding these bad boys is around 55,65 to 50,68 on your map. Think of it as the Rhynio hotspot, nestled right in the southern edge of the Redwoods Forest -> keep your eyes peeled ’cause these creatures love hanging out there.



Prepping for the Tame

Now before you go all gung-ho you need some essentials. Grab yourself a Rhyniognatha pheromone (trust me, it’s like Rhynio catnip) & a sturdy tame like a Rex. Why a Rex?? Well, they’re tough as nails but here’s the kicker: whatever you use is gonna end up as Rhynio chow; so pick something you’re cool with losing…



The Taming Dance

Alright you’ve found your female Rhynio… Yeah, it’s gotta be a female, no dudes allowed in this taming party; You need to weaken it but not too much. Get its health just under 10%, kind of like walking a tightrope. If you’re using mods, spy glasses can be a game-changer here.


Once you’ve got it in that sweet spot, hit your Rex (or whatever you’re using) with that pheromone… It’s showtime now. Let the Rhynio do its thing – it’s gonna impregnate your tame… Sounds wild, but hey, that’s Ark for ya.




After the deed is done, there’s a waiting game… Your Rex is gonna pop out a baby Rhynio. But, here’s the heartbreaker – your Rex won’t make it. RIP big guy… You served us well.



Raising Your Baby Rhyniognatha

This part’s like a reality show with a baby that’s picky as heck. You gotta cater to its cravings with all sorts of random stuff –> from kibble to the fanciest dishes. It’s a bit of a scavenger hunt but it’s worth it for your new Rhynio kiddo.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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