Ark: Survival Ascended - How to Find Rare Mushrooms on the Island Map - Magic Game World

Ark: Survival Ascended – How to Find Rare Mushrooms on the Island Map

Ark: Survival Ascended - How to Find Rare Mushrooms on the Island Map

If you’re hustling around the Island map & wondering where those sneaky rare mushrooms are hiding, you’re in the right spot!! Here’s a down-and-dirty guide to mushroom foraging, Ark style…



Crystal Harvest Method: It’s All in the Rocks

First things first, let’s talk crystal harvesting -> When you’re out there, smashing crystals, sometimes – just sometimes – these sparkly rocks drop a rare mushroom or two. Now listen whether you’re wielding a pickaxe or straddling an Ankylosaurus, your mushroom count’s gonna be about the same. It’s a bit of a lottery sure but who doesn’t like surprises?



Beaver Dams: The Sneaky Approach

Moving on to Beaver Dams; these are like hidden mushroom caches waiting to be discovered. But here’s the deal: you gotta deal with the beavers first. Why?? ‘Cause these furry engineers can get real feisty when you mess with their homes. So plan is simple: clear the area of beavers then go ham on the dams. Just remember to trash the wood – it’s all about making sure those dams respawn with the goodies… and by goodies, I mean those rare mushrooms, obviously.



Blue Drops: Your Lucky Break??

Here’s something kinda new; those blue drops scattered across the map? They can be mini treasure troves with rare mushrooms; so keep your eyes peeled!!



Swamp Strategy: Mangrove Madness

Time to get down & dirty in the swamps. We’re hunting mangrove trees, the unsung heroes of the mushroom world -> these trees are your best bet for a mushroom bonanza. The spot you wanna hit?? Try the coordinates 74,4 and 23.5; it’s right by the Red Obelisk, on the edge of the swamp – danger level manageable. Now, here’s the key -> use a hatchet, not a pickaxe. You’ll be scoring one or two shrooms per tree.



Therizinosaurus: The Ultimate Mushroom Harvester

Now for the star player: the Therizinosaurus… this dino is a mushroom-hunting powerhouse. Load up on wood (a necessary evil), but the real prize is the mushrooms. The trick is to adjust its harvesting settings; crank up those delicate harvesting skills and watch the mushrooms roll in. More delicate harvesting equals more mushrooms – simple math.



Extra Tips & Tricks

  • Keep an eye on your inventory. You don’t wanna be that guy; overloaded with wood when you should be stacking mushrooms.


  • The Ark is wild, and the swamp is wilder. Always be on guard. You’re hunting mushrooms, but remember something might be hunting you…


  • Exploration Pays Off: Don’t just stick to one spot… The Island map is vast; who knows what mushroom havens you might stumble upon??


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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