Ark: Survival Ascended - How to Guarantee Getting Mutations - Magic Game World

Ark: Survival Ascended – How to Guarantee Getting Mutations

Ark: Survival Ascended - How to Guarantee Getting Mutations

So mutations in Ark Ascended they’re like these awesome power-ups for your dinos… They boost their stats make ’em stronger faster or even give them a wild new look; but snagging these mutations, it’s not as easy as it sounds.



Getting Down with Mutation Odds

Now here’s the scoop on the odds. When breeding your dinos, if both dino parents have fewer than 20 mutations each, you’re sitting on a 7% chance for a mutation… but, if one of ’em’s loaded with more than 20 mutations?? Well, then your odds dip to 3.5%; and if both parents are rocking 20+ mutations? Sorry buddy… that’s a tough one with a 0% chance.



The Smart Breeding Strategy

Time for the strategy play. You wanna get one male dino & team him up with four female dinos – max Ark allows at one go… this setup is your best shot at upping those mutation chances.



Spotting Those Mutations

Keep your eyes on the baby dino levels -> if your parent dinos are chilling at level one & you get a level three baby, that’s a clear sign you’ve got a mutation -> that level jump that’s what you’re looking for.



Playing Smart with Numbers

Let’s break down some numbers. Take one male, pair him with 14 female dinos across different sessions; this method is like stacking the deck in your favor. You’re playing the odds to almost guarantee a mutation will show up somewhere along the way.



Keep Mutation Counts Low

Here’s a crucial tip: watch those mutation counts. You don’t want either of your breeding dinos to hit that 20 mutation mark, ’cause that’s when your chances start dropping like a rock.



Extra Breeding Tips

So while you’re deep in the breeding game, remember: variety is key… Mixing up your dino pairs keeps the gene pool fresh & ups your chances of getting different kinds of mutations. And hey who doesn’t want a dino that’s not only tough as nails but also has that unique, eye-catching look??


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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