Ark: Survival Ascended Kibble Guide – Let's Cook Up Some Dino Delights! - Magic Game World

Ark: Survival Ascended Kibble Guide – Let’s Cook Up Some Dino Delights!

Ark: Survival Ascended Kibble Guide – Let's Cook Up Some Dino Delights!

Kibble isn’t just another food item – it’s a game-changer in the world of Ark:


  • Taming Efficiency: Kibble speeds up the taming process significantly. For example, taming a Giga with kibble is way faster than using regular meat.


  • Improved Stats: Dinosaurs tamed with kibble have better stats. This can mean the difference between a mediocre dino & a powerhouse.


  • High Effectiveness: The higher the effectiveness during taming, the more bonus levels your dino gets.



The Six Kibble Categories

Ark: Survival Ascended features six types of kibble, each tailored for different dinosaurs:



Basic Kibble: Ideal for starting dinos.


Recipe: 1 Basic Dino Egg, 10 Amarberries, 10 Tintoberries, 5 Mejoberries, 1 Cooked Meat, 5 Fiber, & Water.



Simple Kibble: Slightly more complex, for creatures that are a bit harder to tame.


Recipe: 1 Simple Dino Egg, 5 Mejoberries, 1 Cooked Fish Meat, 2 Rockarrots, 5 Fiber, & Water.



Regular Kibble: For mid-tier dinosaurs, a balance of effort & reward.


Recipe: 1 Regular Dino Egg, 2 Longgrass, 2 Savoroot, 1 Cooked Meat Jerky, 5 Fiber, & Water.



Superior Kibble: Targets higher-level creatures, often used in combat.


Recipe: 1 Super Dino Egg, 2 Citronal, 2 Rare Mushrooms, 1 Prime Meat Jerky, 1 Sap, 5 Fiber, & Water.



Exceptional Kibble: Almost the best, for the really tough creatures.


Recipe: 1 Exceptional Dino Egg, 10 Mejoberries, 1 Focal Chili, 1 Rare Flower, 5 Fiber, & Water.



Extraordinary Kibble: The top-tier kibble for the most challenging dinos.


Recipe: 1 Extraordinary Dino Egg, 10 Mejoberries, 1 Giant Bee Honey, 1 Lazarus Chowder, 5 Fiber, & Water.



Crafting Kibble – Step by Step

  • Set Up Your Cooking Station: Grab a cooking pot.


  • Gather Ingredients: Each kibble has its special mix of ingredients as mentioned above; make sure you got everything before you start…


  • The Cooking Process: Toss in all the ingredients & add water. Remember, the right temperature & time are key to perfect kibble.



Building a Kibble Farm

  • Egg-Laying Dinosaurs: More females mean more eggs. Different kibbles need different dino eggs, so variety is key.


  • Boost Production: Got a male & female? That’s mate-boosting. Throw in an Oviraptor for good measure & watch those eggs roll in.


  • Keep It Organized: Designate a spot for your egg-layers. Easy egg collection equals less hassle.



Advanced Tips

  • Industrial Cooker: Once you unlock this, cooking kibble becomes a breeze. It’s faster & you don’t need to manually add water or fuel.


  • Resource Management: Planning your resource gathering (like growing specific crops for kibble ingredients) can streamline your kibble production…


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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