Ark: Survival Ascended - Where to Find Metal - Best Metal Spawn Locations on The Island Map - Magic Game World

Ark: Survival Ascended – Where to Find Metal – Best Metal Spawn Locations on The Island Map

Ark: Survival Ascended - Where to Find Metal - Best Metal Spawn Locations on The Island Map

So you’re looking to score some sweet metal in Ark: Survival Ascended on The Island map huh? Buckle up, ’cause we’re diving into the top spots where you can hit the jackpot with those shiny resources. Remember, each spot’s got its own quirks & challenges -> so pick what suits your style & level…


Herbivore Island: This is your chill zone in the Southeast corner (think GPS around 88, 89). It’s like a peaceful paradise with zero predators, just waiting for you to come & scoop up all that metal. Metal nodes everywhere, and it’s super safe – as long as you don’t goof up and smack a Bronto’s tail or something. Plus there’s a bunch of Ankylosaurs wandering around, perfect for taming & metal mining. Just remember, getting there might need a raft, watch out for those pesky Leedsichthys in the water though.


Near Beaver Island: Start at this lil’ island at 92, 60.8, & head north to this mountain’s center. Look for a tree surrounded by metal (we’re talking 86.1, 66.3 GPS-wise). It’s kinda sneaky, but the metal’s there, waiting for ya.


Metal Mountain: Over at about 90, 46.6, this mountain is legit called Metal Mountain for a reason. It’s stacked with metal, but also with some not-so-friendly locals like Saros and Spinos. If you can brave the danger, it’s a gold mine (well, metal mine, but you get it).


Arctic Plateau: Fancy a cold adventure? At the edge of the Arctic (around 30.7, 71), this spot’s got metal, oil and obsidian all up for grabs. But it’s cold, real cold, and the local wildlife isn’t exactly welcoming… Bundle up & watch your back.


Redwoods Central Mountain: Smack in the middle of the map (we’re talking 58.4, 49), this place is a treasure trove with metal, crystal, and obsidian. But, the Redwoods are notorious for their dangerous critters. Flying in might be your best bet.


Northeast Mountain: Check out around 32.2, 83.3. This mountain’s got good stuff, but it’s like a party where everyone wants to eat you – think Rexes, Allos, you name it. Fly in with an Anky and make a quick getaway for the best results.


Barren Mountain East of Volcano: So this one’s around 35.5, 60.2. It’s got metal for days but climbing it? -> that’s a whole other story… It’s steep & crawling with danger, so maybe bring a flyer to help you out.


Freezing Cold Mountain: Not the top pick but if you’re up for a challenge, there’s some metal here. It’s tough to spot under all that snow & the weather’s brutal, so maybe keep this as a last resort??


Volcano Area: This is like the VIP room of metal spots. Tons of metal, crystal and obsidian… But it’s super hot & gigas might pop in to say hi. If you’re geared up for it -> this place is a jackpot.


Blue Obelisk Area: Once the cream of the crop, now? Not so much. Fewer metals, more danger. If you’re feeling lucky go for it; but there are better spots out there.



Pro Tips

  • Taming Ankylosaurs is a game-changer for metal gathering; they can turn any rock into a metal fiesta.


  • Smooth beach rocks can be a sneaky source for early metal. Just keep hitting them & you’ll get your payday.


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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