ARK: Survival Evolved – Ice Wyvern Egg Locations Guide
ARK: Survival Evolved, Articles /
15 Dec 2017
The nests are found at the following GPS coordinates:
Latitude – Â Longitude – Description
A 37.7 65.0 In a circle of trees
B 44.4 58.9 Open ground
C 47.0 51.7 Edge of a cliff
D 33.5 68.8 Hidden ledge
E 42.8 55.2 Rocky ledge
- There are 5 nest sites currently on the map.
- They are all in really cold snow areas, with zone names such as “murder snow” and “murdermurder snow” (hold down the H key in-game to see the zone name and temperature). You will quickly freeze to death without adequate protection.
- Get yourself a set of FUR armor – the better the quality the better. You can also greatly boost your resistance to cold by wearing an otter pet. Level up its melee damage stat to increase its hypothermic effects.
- Where there are Wyvern eggs, there are Wyverns. Your best bet for out-running them is a high-stamina Pteranodon or a Griffin. If you do get aggro, lead the Wyvern to some mammoths and it will likely fight them instead.
- Taking an egg from a nest will aggro any nearby Wyverns (same as stealing eggs from any dino).