Armored Brigade - Retreating - Magic Game World

Armored Brigade – Retreating

Armored Brigade - Retreating

Mobile non-vehicle units can retreat to cover automatically. If the unit sees enemies when it starts retreating, it may pop smoke. The unit must be reattached to its formation manually after it has stopped retreating. An HQ contact can prevent the unit from retreating. Low morale increases the chance of retreating.


When the unit is retreating, the player loses control of it. The retreating unit cannot engage enemies or use indirect fire, capture or hold objectives, or enter its transport. The unit’s spotting capability is very limited. If it is guiding a nonfire-and-forget missile and retreating at the moment of impact, accuracy goes to the minimum. Retreating HQ units cannot call on-map helicopter for CAS.


All units automatically try to move away from terrain fires. A unit that is about to retreat may become routed instead, or it may abandon the vehicle it has crewed. Such a unit is lost for the remainder of the battle. This is more likely to happen to static and immobilized units.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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