Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag PC Controls and Keybindings - Magic Game World

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag PC Controls and Keybindings

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What are the commands & controls for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for PC?

Below is a list of the controls for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for PC:



On Foot Controls:

  • W: Move Forward


  • A: Move Left


  • S: Move Backward


  • D: Move Right


  • Spacebar: Fast Walk / Jump / Break Defense


  • Shift: Free Run


  • E: Interact / Counter


  • F: Tool


  • R: Reload


  • Tab: Map Menu


  • Right Mouse Button: Free Aim


  • Left Mouse Button: Assassinate / Melee Weapon


  • Mouse Scroll Button: Island Information


  • Up Arrow: Pan Camera Up


  • Down Arrow: Pan Camera Down


  • Right Arrow: Pan Camera Right


  • Left Arrow: Pan Camera Left


  • V: Eagle Vision


  • C: Center Camera


  • 1: Unarmed


  • 2: Hidden Blades


  • 3: Swords


  • 4: Pistols


  • 5: Smoke Bombs


  • 6: Sleep Darts


  • 7: Berserk Darts


  • 8: Rope Darts


  • 9: Treasure Maps


  • 0: Throw Money


  • Q: Change Weapon


  • Mouse Scroll: Change Tool



Ship Controls:

  • W: Accelerate / Travel Speed


  • A: Steer Left


  • S: Slow Down / Release Wheel / Boarding


  • D: Steer Right


  • Spacebar: Bracing


  • Shift: Swivel Gun


  • 3: Sea Shanties


  • 4: Stop Singing


  • Tab: Map Menu


  • Right Mouse Button: Aim


  • Q: Mortar


  • E: Spyglass


  • Left Mouse Button: Shoot


  • Up Arrow: Pan Camera Up


  • Down Arrow: Pan Camera Down


  • Right Arrow: Pan Camera Right


  • Left Arrow: Pan Camera Left


  • C: Center Camera


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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