Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag PC Controls and Keybindings
Articles, Assassin's Creed, Game Controls & Hotkeys /
20 Jun 2020
What are the commands & controls for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for PC?
Below is a list of the controls for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for PC:
On Foot Controls:
- W: Move Forward
- A: Move Left
- S: Move Backward
- D: Move Right
- Spacebar: Fast Walk / Jump / Break Defense
- Shift: Free Run
- E: Interact / Counter
- F: Tool
- R: Reload
- Tab: Map Menu
- Right Mouse Button: Free Aim
- Left Mouse Button: Assassinate / Melee Weapon
- Mouse Scroll Button: Island Information
- Up Arrow: Pan Camera Up
- Down Arrow: Pan Camera Down
- Right Arrow: Pan Camera Right
- Left Arrow: Pan Camera Left
- V: Eagle Vision
- C: Center Camera
- 1: Unarmed
- 2: Hidden Blades
- 3: Swords
- 4: Pistols
- 5: Smoke Bombs
- 6: Sleep Darts
- 7: Berserk Darts
- 8: Rope Darts
- 9: Treasure Maps
- 0: Throw Money
- Q: Change Weapon
- Mouse Scroll: Change Tool
Ship Controls:
- W: Accelerate / Travel Speed
- A: Steer Left
- S: Slow Down / Release Wheel / Boarding
- D: Steer Right
- Spacebar: Bracing
- Shift: Swivel Gun
- 3: Sea Shanties
- 4: Stop Singing
- Tab: Map Menu
- Right Mouse Button: Aim
- Q: Mortar
- E: Spyglass
- Left Mouse Button: Shoot
- Up Arrow: Pan Camera Up
- Down Arrow: Pan Camera Down
- Right Arrow: Pan Camera Right
- Left Arrow: Pan Camera Left
- C: Center Camera