Assassin's Creed Origins - How to Enter All Tombs - Magic Game World

Assassin’s Creed Origins – How to Enter All Tombs

Assassin's Creed Origins - How to Enter All Tombs

Mountain of the Dead

-Located northwest of Siwa. Activate the Hideaway side quest for directions.


-Plunder for three silica and three treasures.


-Break walls and move objects to open paths.


-Beware hyenas at the exit if on the side quest.



Adorer of Thoth Tomb

-In the northwest of the Giza region.


-Plunder for five silica and six treasures.


-Full of baddies.


-Dive into the water to find a hidden room.


-Put five weights on one platform, then use the other to climb to the next area.



Tomb of Khufu

Northernmost of the two enormous pyramids in the Giza region.


-The crack by the entrance leads to an Ancient Mechanism, so come back to it.


-Break two seals in the treasure room to raise the floor level with sand.



Tomb of Menkaure

The smaller pyramid in the Giza region.


-Plunder for three silica and three treasures.


-Look for an opening hidden in the wall above you near the entrance.


-Break the wooden ceiling with arrows to pass through.



Tomb of Amenemhat III

Located just south of the west fast travel/viewpoint in Haueris Nome.


-Plunder for four silica and two treasures.


-Contains crocodiles.


-Use fire (dropped torch, lit arrows) to open panels in floors.


-Break seals to raise floor level with sand.


-Dive into the pool to reach the final room.


Moveable object hides quick exit.



Tomb of Djoser

-In the northeast of Saqqara Nome, near a cobra lair.


-Plunder for four silica and five treasures.


-Break amphorae with arrows to open paths for moving objects.



Tomb of Sneferu (Bent Pyramid)

In the southeast of Saqqara Nome.


-Plunder for five silica and four treasures.


-Combine with the side quest Rites of Anubis, and complete First Blood while you’re in here.


-To enter, look for another passage into the pyramid, where you’ll meet some cobras at a seemingly dead end. Look up and climb into the tunnel beyond. Break the wall at the far end, then shoot an arrow through to break the amphora. You can then slide the moveable object.


-Weigh down a platform then jump from a moveable object to proceed.


-Break objects to open paths – and to remove weight from platforms.


-Dive into the water to reach the final room.



Tomb of the Cynic

In the west of Uab Nome.


-Plunder for two silica and two treasures.


Contains lions.



Tomb of the Nomads

In the far west of the Isolated Desert region, near the Goat Fish Stone Circle.


-Plunder for four silica and three treasures.


-Break walls and dive into water to proceed.


-Then break walls underwater!


-The tombs below contain Ancient Mechanisms and should be tackled in order for maximum story comprehension.



Golden Tomb

North and slightly east of Remetch-Ra village in the Isolated Desert region.


-Plunder for 11 silica and four treasures.


-Use mirrors to catch beams of light and mark the correct path.


-Destroy amphorae and crates to allow light to pass through.


Contains Ancient Mechanism #1: Oun-mAa Niye Ressoot. Costs five silica to activate.



Nomarch’s Tomb

Located in the southeast of the Black Desert region.


-Plunder for 13 silica and four treasures.


-Move the object under the far end of the boat so you can run up it.


-Watch for breakable walls.


Contains Ancient Mechanism #2: Seshem.eff Er Aat. Costs five silica to activate.



Tomb of Khafre

The southernmost of the two enormous pyramids in the Giza region.


-Plunder for five silica and three treasures.


-Push the object under the boat so you can run up it.


Contains Ancient Mechanism #3: Tomb of Khufu. Costs five silica to activate.



Tomb of Smenkhkare

On the southeast tip of the peninsula that is Haueris Nome.


-Plunder for 12 silica and four treasures.


Contains baddies.


-Combine with Seven Farmers side quest for maximum efficiency.


-Break walls and dive into pools to proceed.


-Place weights on platforms so you can climb the other side. One platform puzzle has no weights; let the far one sink under you all the way, then hop to the platform between them, wait for the other platform to rise right up, then bounce across quickly.


Contains Ancient Mechanism #4: Eeyoo Sekedoo Aat Costs five silica to activate.



Seth-Anat Tomb

The only point of interest in the Desheret Desert region.


-Plunder for 15 silica and three treasures.


-Move and clean (burn) mirrors to allow light to pass.


-Watch for moveable objects.


Contains Ancient Mechanism #5: Qeneb too Kah’Aiye. Costs five silica to activate.



Great Sphinx

Found in Giza, near the village by the water.


Full tomb is not available until you have completed the Bayek’s Promise side quest.


-Plunder for four silica and two treasures.


Contains Ancient Mechanism# 6: Eesfet Oon-m’Aa Po. Costs 50 silica to activate.


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