ATLAS - Status Effects & Vitamin Levels - Magic Game World

ATLAS – Status Effects & Vitamin Levels

ATLAS - Status Effects & Vitamin Levels

Status Effects

Thriving in the world of ATLAS means knowing what factors are impinging on your character’s health. We call those factors “status effects.”


– When you’re subject to a status effect, an icon appears in the lower right corner of the screen.


– Carrying too much weight makes you Encumbered and heavily restricts your movement.


– Drinking too little can make you Dehydrated


– Likewise, you can be Starved or Overfed if you don’t eat food in a moderate, steady way. Too much of one kind of food can give you Food Poisoning.


– If your health falls too low, you’ll be Injured, which prevents jumping and sprinting.


– You’re Suffocating if you’re underwater for too long.


– You can be too Hot (drains Stamina, makes you thirsty) or even have Hyperthermia (a more severe Hot that causes damage over time).


– Similarly, you can be too Cold (drains Stamina, makes you hungry) or get Hypothermia (a more severe Cold that causes damage over time).


– Being Wet makes you more susceptible to Cold. – If you use too much Stamina, you can be Winded or even Exhausted.


– More rarely, you can be Tranquilized, Shocked. Stunned, or Charmed.



Vitamin Levels

Every pirate shares a common enemy: scurvy — and more broadly. weakness brought on by a limited diet. To keep your pirate healthy, manage the vitamin levels shown in the lower right corner of the screen.


– The pale green bar represents your vegetable intake, purple is your meat intake, orange is fruit, and blue is fish/dairy.


– For a balanced diet. eat so that none of the four bars gets much lower or much higher than the others.


– If the background of the bar chart is green. you’re nutritionally balanced.


– Foods in your inventory have colored arrows that match the colors of the bars on your screen.


– Keeping your vitamin levels balanced will give your character the Equilibrium buff (+30 Fortitude, +20% Melee Damage, and +10% Movement Speed. Not having enough (deficiency) or having too much of one vitamin (vitamin poisoning) will cause your character to take damage over time.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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