Avowed PC Keyboard Controls Guide
Game Controls & Hotkeys, Articles, Misc. Guides /
04 Jan 2025
Avowed‘s a fantasy RPG—and yeah it’s stupidly good. That Oblivion feeling where you’re like “just one Ayleid ruin” and then 8 hours later you’re stockpiling 27 paintbrushes (for science) and racing all over Cyrodiil to deliver a humdrum letter for the Dark Brotherhood? Right. Avowed’s gonna make you do that—but turned up to 11. It’s got that “just ONE MORE QUEST” toxin in its veins. You’ll lose days. Anyway, here’s why we put this guide together: so you don’t panic-press the wrong key in a goblin battle and end up staring at your inventory while a troll creates a work of modern art with your armor.
Default Key Bindings
Getting Around
- Walk forward/backward: W / S
- Sidestep left/right: A / D
- Hop or climb stuff: Spacebar
- Duck or slide: Left Ctrl / C
- Look around: Mouse Movement
Doing Stuff
- Use your off-hand stuff: Right Mouse
- Attack or main action: Left Mouse
- Put weapons away: T
- Switch your gear: Left Alt / Mouse Scroll
- Grab stuff or talk: F
Magic & Skills
- Open ability wheel: E
- Hotkey for ability #0-9: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
- Chuck stuff: Q
- Chug health potion: Z
- Sip magic juice: X
Menus & Maps
- Check your backpack: I
- Read your quest log: J
- Peek at stats: Tab
- Pull up the map: M
- Save real quick: F5
- Load real quick: F8
Menu Navigation
- Move selection up/down/left/right: W/S/A/D or Arrow Keys
- Select stuff: Spacebar / Enter
- Back out: Esc
- Flip to next tab: E
- Flip to previous tab: Q
- Cycle subtabs forward: C
- Cycle subtabs backward: Z