BATTLETECH – Accuracy Modifiers
Articles, BattleTech /
04 May 2018
The game determines the chance to hit by the formula: BaseAcc + GunnerySkill*0.025 + AccModifierScore*0.05.
Many things determine this modifier score, and You can check the modifiers by placing your mouse over the weapons list on the bottom right with a target selected. The following is a non-comprehensive list of common modifiers.
- Elevation (+1 for shooting target lower, -1 for higher)
- Arm-mounted (+1 for weapons mounted on the arm)
- Evasion (-1 for each charge the target has)
- Indirect fire (-3 when no Line-of-Sight (LOS) is available)
- Sensors disrupted (-1 When a PPC has previously hit an attacker)
- Targeting Enhanced (+X When a compatible TTS is mounted on the attacker.)
- Long Range