Borderlands 3: Controls for Keyboard and Mouse
Articles, Borderlands, Game Controls & Hotkeys /
13 Sep 2019
Mouse and Keyboard controls for the PC version of Borderlands 3 are as follows:
PC Keyboard Controls & Keybindings
- Forward / Accelerate: W
- Backward / Reverse: S
- Strafe / Steer Left: A
- Strafe / Steer Right: D
- Jump: Space
- Sprint / Boost: L-Shift
- Crouch / Slide / Ground Slam: L-Ctrl
Combat / Interaction
- Fire / Primary Weapon: LMB
- Melee: V
- Reload: R
- Action Skill: F
- Throw Grenade: G
- Next Weapon: MWUP
- Previous Weapon: MWDOWN
- Weapon 1: 1
- Weapon 2: 2
- Weapon 3: 3
- Weapon 4: 4
- Primary Use: E
- Secondary Use: Q
- Weapon Mode: C
- ADS (Aim) / Secondary Weapon: RMB
- Photo Mode: P
- Emote 1: ↑
- Emote 2: ↓
- Emote 3: ←
- Emote 4: →
- Previous Tracked Mission: [
- Next Tracked Mission: ]
- Mark Target: X
- E-Brake / Wheel Ability: Space
- Horn: F
- Exit Vehicle: E
- Swap Seats: Q
- Air Control Up: W
- Air Control Down: S
- Air Control Left: A
- Air Control Right: D
- Character Menu: Tab
- Map: M
- Logs: L
- Inventory: I
- Skills: K
- Guardian Rank: J
- Roster: F1
- Matchmaking: F2
- Mail: F4
- LAN Browser: F5
- Quick Menu: Z