Borderlands 3 - How To Reset Skill Points and Respec Your Character - Magic Game World

Borderlands 3 – How To Reset Skill Points and Respec Your Character

Borderlands 3 - How To Reset Skill Points and Respec Your Character

Once you’ve gotten at least one skill point, and decide that skill you’ve invested in is complete trash – seek out a Quick Change Station, located at the entrance of most regions and in the Sanctuary Ship.


Here you can not only swap out costumes and skins (as well as renaming both your character and FL4K’s pets), but you can also reset all of your skill points to try building out a new style.


Of course, nothing is free in life – being able to respecialize your skills will cost a portion of your total money currently accumulated. A character with 29 thousand on hand will only have to pay just under 3 thousand to respect, while someone with 159k in their pocket will have to shell out 15k for a respec. It’s a bit like dying – you always have to pay a portion to get what you want.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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