Call of Cthulhu Cheats - Magic Game World

Call of Cthulhu Cheats

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Nameless Cults

★ Suicide ending. To obtain this ending, follow these steps:

✔ Drink no alcohol

✔ Read all unholy books

✔ Tell Bradley truth

✔ Always choose R’lyeh

✔ Accept Drake’s help

✔ Save Drake

✔  Accept Leviathan’s knowledge, try to breath, accept to drink medicine, but refuse to eat flesh and kill Dr. Fuller

✔ Give medkit to Cat instead of Mitchell and examine Mitchell’s body

✔ Kill Bradley



Fight destiny

★ Counter ritual ending. To obtain this ending, follow these steps;

✔ Drink no alcohol

✔ Accept Drake’s help

✔ Read all unholy books

✔ Always choose R’lyeh

✔ Kill Bradley

✔ Save Drake (It’s important, cause you can’t obtain this achievement without him)

✔  Accept Leviathan’s knowledge, try to breath, accept to drink medicine, but refuse to eat flesh and kill Dr. Fuller




★ Sara’s suicide ending. To obtain this ending, follow these steps;

✔ Drink alcohol

✔ Read all unholy books

✔ Don’t choose answers with R’lyeh language

✔ Accept Drake’s help + save Drake

✔ Refuse to accept Leviathan’s knowledge

✔ Refuse to drink medicine, refuse to eat Leviathan’s flesh, refuse to take the gun, etc

✔ Spare Bradley



The Call of Cthulhu

Invoke Cthulhu. It’s default ending and you can get it whatever choices you made.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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