Call of Duty Black Ops 4 - PC Cheats - Magic Game World

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 – PC Cheats

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Extra Pick 10 Point – How to Get a Free Attachment

There is a way to cheekily add one more attachment slot onto your loadout in Black Ops 4. Now, before you scream “what about the Primary Gunfighter Wildcard?” we do know that that gives you a bonus slot. All you need to do in order to access an extra Black Ops 4 Pick 10 point is head on down to two slots below the Reticle. This would appear to be a bug in the game, however, as you can only access this option with the D-Pad. If you’re playing on PC, meanwhile, you can access the bonus attachment slot by scrolling down on the mouse wheel.


The bonus attachment slot is on secondary weapons, too, so you can go mad with attachments (as long as it doesn’t go over 11, but what good things do?). As this is likely a bug in the game, don’t be that surprised if it’s gone before long.



Helicopter Spawn Locations

Here’s how to find a helicopter in Call of Duty Black Ops 4: Blackout without using any cheats. You can find helicopters at these locations


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Secret Song in Verruckt Asylum

To find this easter egg, drop in to the Asylum in the eastern part of the map, head up to the second story and flush the left most toilet in the bathroom three times to trigger a secret song!



Seraph’s Annihilator Pistol

Seraph’s annihilator pistol Easter Egg is locked in a box on Blackout BR at Firing Range. The box even says “54i” on it. To see it, you have to use the Looter perk. How to open it? Don’t think you can.



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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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