Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Cheats - Magic Game World

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Cheats

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Cheats

How To Unlock Specialist Mode In Campaign:

This Specialist Mode is unlocked after beating the game’s story Campaign on any difficulty. It is intensely realistic and not for the faint of heart. But if you feel brave enough, soldier on with these tips.


• You can only heal with Nano Shots, there is no health regeneration in this mode.


• Helmets are your only protection from headshots. They will take permanent damage and will need to be replaced.


• Both Nano Shots and helmets take up equipment slots, so remember to equip them in your loadout on the Retribution before each level.


• Master the lean from behind cover mechanic, which will be critical for your survival. Approach the edge of cover while standing or crouching, and aim down sights when you see a chevron appear on the side of your crosshairs. You will auto-pop from behind cover as you ADS.


• If you get shot in the legs, it will impact your movement. If you get shot in either arm, it will impact your ability to use equipment or aim down sights. Note: Your weapon can be shot out of your hands.



How To Unlock YOLO Mode In Campaign:

This YOLO Mode is unlocked after beating the game’s story Campaign on Specialist Mode, and well… You Only Live Once (YOLO). By that we mean genuine permadeath. If you die, you will start all the way back at the beginning of the entire game.



How To Play Arcade Games In Zombies in Spaceland:

• Willard Wyler’s Afterlife Theater, where Zombies in Spaceland starts, that has the “Afterlife Arcade” in it. When you die, you get warped back to this theater which is not set in the 80s, it’s in the present day.


– There’s a bunch of arcade games in there, including old Activision games like Pitfall II and River Raid II and Barnstorming and more arcade games.


– There’s even basketball game and a “Bowling for Planets” game and shooting galleries and more classic funfair games.


You can earn “Soul Power” while you play to earn a token that will get you back into the game faster. Of course, you can also spectate if you want to.


• There’s also the “Astrocade” on the Zombies in Spaceland map, which is the theme park’s own arcade. There are games in the “Astrocade” that you can play as well.


Playing those games will allow you to earn tickets. You’ll see booths around the map that say “Weapons from the Future!”, and those have cool left-bumper powers. Some of those weapons are influenced by weapons from multiplayer, and some are unique to Zombies in Spaceland. You can buy those with the tickets you earn playing games, or by shooting targets on the roller coaster, or by finding our in-game robot N31L and completing challenges that he’ll give you. The tickets will get you cool stuff.



How To Play The PS4-Exclusive Jackal Assault VR:

Activision announced that the Jackal Assault VR Experience will be available to all PS4 owners, not just for players who have bought the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare game. It is a free download / added bonus available from November 4th, 2016. Just head to the PlayStation VR section of the PlayStation Store, and after selecting Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Jackal Assault VR Experience, follow the prompts to download and install. – Please note that you will need PlayStation VR, sold separately, to play.


The Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare – Jackal Assault VR Experience is a PlayStation VR mission that immerses you in the cockpit of a Jackal, the personal, multi-role fighter jet in the game. Take the controls and enjoy Call of Duty for the first time in virtual reality.



How To Unlock 2 Extra Multiplayer Maps:

Pre-order any edition of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare before November 4th 2016 or get a Day One / Launch Edition of the game to receive:


• The reimagined, fan-favorite Terminal Bonus Map. – This map transports players to a spaceport on the Moon, offering opportunities for new gameplay as well as visually raising the bar while playing true to the original.



How To Get 2 Extra Multiplayer Bonuses:

Either separately or with the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (Digital) Deluxe Edition you get the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Season Pass with the following bonus offer:


• Season Pass owners receive 10 Rare Supply Drops at launch on November 4th plus 1,000 bonus Salvage Credits to craft new prototype weapons.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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