Call of Duty Warzone Cheats - Magic Game World

Call of Duty Warzone Cheats

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All Helicopter Locations

Around the map, there are 8 main locations where you can find a helicopter. To Arklov Peak to the City Port of Verdansk, there are multiple locations.



Helicopter Locations

Grazna Bridge

Gora Dam

Arklove Peak Military Base

Verdansk Hospital

Downtown Tavorsk District

Near the bank of City of Verdansk Port

Zordaya Prison Complex

BCH TV Station


Visit these locations to find Helicopters in Call of Duty Warzone. However, we do suggest that you avoid using Helicopters in Call of Duty Warzone. There are launchers in Warzone that can easily take down the chopper which means all of your team can die instantly.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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