Car Mechanic Simulator 2021: How to Tune an ECU in Drag DLC - Magic Game World

Car Mechanic Simulator 2021: How to Tune an ECU in Drag DLC

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The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is a critical component in modern vehicles, and properly tuning it can lead to substantial performance gains. In the Drag DLC for Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, this process is simplified and engaging, allowing you to tweak your car’s performance to your heart’s content.


Here’s a quick guide on how to tune your ECU in Car Mechanic Simulator 2021:


  • Locate the Laptop: To start, find the laptop in your garage. It’s your gateway to the ECU tuning options.


  • Choose the ECU Tuning Option: Upon opening the laptop, you’ll see three options: gear ratio, carburetor tuning, and ECU tuning. Click on ECU tuning.


  • Understand the Graphs: The ECU tuning page will display five different bars. Aim to have all these bars at “+6” green for optimal tuning. If your overall tuning is “+16” and all bars are at +6, you’re ready to proceed.


  • Reset the Graphs: Before you begin tuning, it’s best to reset all the bars to zero. Click on the downward arrow keys to do this. Your tuning percentage should also reset to zero.


  • Test Your Current Setup on the Dyno: Before making adjustments, run a dyno test to get a clear idea of your car’s current horsepower and torque. It’ll serve as a comparison baseline for later.


  • Start Tuning: Begin the tuning process by aligning two of the bars. If one bar is at “+3”, adjust another bar to also reach “+3”. Continue this process for all bars. Your goal is to have them all at “+6”.


> If two bars are already at the same level, proceed to next step. Otherwise, click the upper arrow key under the first bar until it matches another bar’s height.


> With two bars at the same level, choose one of the remaining three and adjust it using the upper arrow key until it aligns with the first two bars.


Eco Tuning in Car Mechanic Simulator 2021 Drag DLC


> Now, align the fourth bar with the others by clicking the upper arrow key. Repeat this with the fifth bar. For a perfect ECU stage 3 tuning, one bar should be at “+2” and the rest at “+1”.


> With all five bars at the same height, you’re almost there. Now, raise all of the bars together by clicking the upper arrow key on each bar once. Repeat this process until you reach the maximum level.


  • Trial and Error: Remember, ECU tuning isn’t an exact science. It involves experimenting, making mistakes, and trying again. If all bars align but don’t reach “+6”, don’t worry. Simply reset and try again.


  • Finalize the Tuning: Once all the bars are at “+6”, your tuning is complete. Don’t forget to apply your changes.


  • Test Your Tuned Car on the Dyno: After the tuning, run another dyno test. You should see a significant increase in horsepower and torque compared to the baseline.


  • Fernando Diaz

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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