Cassette Beasts: 13 Tips & Tricks for Beginners - Magic Game World

Cassette Beasts: 13 Tips & Tricks for Beginners

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Cassette Beasts is an exceptional entry into the monster-collecting genre, offering a unique experience beyond simply being a Pokémon clone. Although the game may initially seem complex, these tips and tricks will help you grasp the basic mechanics and guide you towards success.



Recording Mechanic

Cassette Beasts features a unique “recording” mechanic for capturing monsters. To capture a monster, select “record,” which puts you in a vulnerable state. When the monster you’re recording receives damage, the percentage chance of capturing it increases. If you receive damage as a human, the percentage decreases. Use moves such as Elemental Wall or Provoke to subvert damage from the recording player and maximize catch odds. Complete in-game quests to gain access to the Rangers Guild, where you can increase capture odds using fused materials.



Overworld Abilities

Some monsters in the game grant special abilities when you record their data. These abilities help with world traversal and include Glide, Dash, Swimming, Electromagnetism, and more. Capture every monster you encounter to increase your chances of obtaining one with a helpful ability. Many areas throughout the map may require a special ability for access.



Managing Currency

Cassette Beasts uses different scrap materials like plastic, wood, and metal as currency instead of standard currency like gold or dollars. Win battles, complete quests, defeat wild monsters and other cassette users, and open chests to collect scrap. You can also throw away items and monster tapes to increase your scrap pool. Use the scrap to purchase items such as stickers, cassettes, and healing items.



Avoiding Trainer Battles

Cassette Beasts features trainer battles with cassette users. If you don’t want to battle a trainer, you can jump on their head to bypass them. This provides more freedom in traversing the map.



Rogue Fusions

Rogue fusions are mini-bosses that drop fused materials, which you can use to exchange for special upgrades in the Rangers Guild. Defeat rogue fusions to collect these materials, and capture the half-fusion components for your collection.



Mastering Fusion

Fusion is a powerful mechanic in Cassette Beasts that allows you to combine two monsters during battle. To access fusion, complete the first mandatory Archangel boss and level up your friendship with Kaylee. Fusion monsters share the move pools, stats, and types of both monsters, and can serve as a mid-battle evolution.



Understanding Evolution

The game has its own evolution system separate from fusion. Each individual cassette has a star level, which acts like conventional levels. Gain experience and attain five stars to evolve your cassette to the next stage. Some cassettes have branched evolutions, allowing you to choose which form to evolve into.



Elemental Walls

Elemental walls are powerful moves that block incoming attacks for a set amount of times or turns. Use Elemental Wall to protect yourself from massive damage from archangels and to prevent losing percentage values while capturing monsters.



Taking Advantage of the Barrel Glitch

While holding a barrel or any other object, you can double jump on certain surfaces. This can make it easier to reach specific areas and bring the barrel or box with you.



Customizing Your Tapes with Stickers

Tapes in Cassette Beasts can be customized using Stickers, which grant new moves or abilities. Not every Tape can use every Sticker, but there is a wide variety available, allowing for endless builds and strategies. Experiment with different Stickers to create the perfect team that suits your playstyle.



Bootleg Tapes

Bootleg Tapes are rare, alternate element versions of regular monsters, similar to Pokémon’s regional variants. Keep an eye out for these unique beasts to add more variety to your team and experiment with new strategies.



Engaging in Side Quests and Story Content

Cassette Beasts offers numerous sidequests in addition to the main story. Engage with the game’s world by completing these sidequests, which can provide valuable rewards and more in-depth lore. Challenges such as the 12 Ranger Captains serve as the world’s gym leaders, and other quests involve dealing with a group of nefarious vampires plotting real estate ventures.



Familiarizing Yourself with Elemental Interactions

Battles in Cassette Beasts are strategic and involve exploiting weaknesses and stacking status effects. Familiarize yourself with the elemental interactions to gain an advantage in battles and combine different elements through the Fusion mechanic for even more strategic depth.


Cassette Beasts Cheats and Secrets


  • Fernando

    Fernando is doing what he always did, sharing his honest opinions about games whenever he can. The difference is now he is writing and not talking about it.

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