Cattails FAQ - Magic Game World

Cattails FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions


How can I delete a save?

On windows, your save files can be found at “%LOCALAPPDATA%/Cattails”, where you can manually delete or move your saves.



I’m lagging at night time or in certain areas in the game, how can I fix this?

If your game is lagging, try heading into the video settings and turning “FancyLight” OFF.



What is Cattails made with?

GameMaker: Studio 1.4 is used to make Cattails.



I have the music soundtrack, where can I find it?

On Steam, hover over “Library” in the top left, and a drop-down menu should appear, with “Music” being one of the options. If Cattails is not in the list, in the very top left, go to Steam >> Settings >> Music >> Scan now. This should scan the folder with your steam music in it, and update your music tab with the Cattails soundtrack. If you still can not see it, and had purchased alpha or beta access of the game, make sure you have redeemed your “Deluxe content + OST” Steam key.




How do I get into a different colony?

In order for a rival colony to let you explore their town, use their services, or invite you to join them, they have to first trust you. The main way to raise your reputation with a colony is gifting the colony’s guard, and telling them the gift is for the colony. You are allowed into a colony’s town at 25% reputation, may use their services at 50%, and receive an offer to join at 75%.



Are there kittens in the game? Can I have more than one litter?

Yes, you are able to have one litter of up to four kittens if your cat is married and has the “nursery” den upgrade.



Can I change my cat’s name without restarting it?

Head to the temple on the third day of any month to change your cat’s name for a fee.



How can I date a cat?

Gift a cat who you have 5 friendship stars with a red rose. The rose can be found at the temple only after Coco tells you about it on Autumn 5, Year 1.



How can I marry a cat?

Similar to dating, you can buy a shiny trinket from your colony’s shopkeeper after Coco tells you about it on Spring 1, Year 2. The cat will only accept the proposal if your cat is dating them, and if the heart at the bottom of their text boxes is red.



How can I move, place, or remove den decor, or get new rooms?

Molby the construction mole will introduce themselves to you at the earliest on Winter 1, Year 1. After they do, you can ring the bell in your den to call them for construction or to edit decorations.



What happens to my spouse and kittens if I switch colonies?

Everything in your den, including your family, will move colonies with you.



Coco/Molby isn’t showing up to tell me about an item and it is past the earliest possible day!

These characters show up at your den when you leave it in the morning; try sleeping in your den if you haven’t in a few nights.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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