Citadel: Forged With Fire – Creatures: Taming, Loyalty and Riding - Magic Game World

Citadel: Forged With Fire – Creatures: Taming, Loyalty and Riding

Citadel: Forged With Fire – Creatures: Taming, Loyalty and Riding

Magic can be used to tame enemies and turn them into allies. All creatures can be ordered to carry items on your behalf and fight alongside you, and some can even be fitted with a saddle and mounted.



How to Tame

To tame creatures, you will first need to reach character level 10. Once you’ve done that, open the Knowledge Tree with the ‘K’ key, click the ‘Spells’ tab, and learn the ‘Pacify’ spell in the ‘Utility Spells’ sub-category. Like other utility spells, ‘Pacify’ can be equipped with any weapon type.


The ‘Pacify’ spell can be used on an enemy to turn them into your ally. Click and hold the cast button to initiate the pacification process. Taming times vary depending on the type of creature and its level. Pacification is complete once the circular blue gauge around the enemy’s portrait is completely filled in.


Once the pacification has completed, approach the creature and press the ‘E’ key. Enter a name for your new ally and click the ‘OK’ button. The creature is now officially tamed and will appear in your Tamed Creatures tab (which can be accessed with the ‘N’ key).



Issuing Commands to Tamed Creatures

Behavioral commands can be issued to your tamed creatures by focusing on them and pushing ‘E’ to bring up the command menu. If your creature is not nearby, you can also issue commands via the Tamed Creatures menu (accessed with the ‘N’ key).


You can also use your tamed creatures to carry some of your loot. Press ‘E’ on the creature and select ‘Storage’ to bring up its inventory. From here, you can move items from your inventory over to your creature’s inventory. If this creature should die in combat it will drop a loot bag containing all the items you had previously given it to carry.



Loyalty Timer

All tamed creatures are subject to a Loyalty Timer. Should this timer expire, the ally will be released from your control and return back to the wild. You can check a creature’s current Loyalty at any time by opening the Tamed Creatures menu with the ‘N’ key.


Soul Binding Scrolls, which are used to prolong a creature’s Loyalty, can be crafted with the help of a Work Bench. Their recipes can be found in the Knowledge Tree menu (‘K’ key) under the ‘Utility’ tab. To use it on a creature simply look at it, press ‘E’, and click the ‘Storage’ button. From there you can move the scroll into its inventory and the effect will be immediately applied.



Mounting With Saddles

Some creatures can be mounted with the help of a Saddle. To create a Saddle, open the Knowledge Tree menu (‘K’ key), click the ‘Utility’ tab and learn the Saddle recipe. You will need a Work Bench in your castle to craft the Saddle.


To apply your new Saddle to your creature, open its Storage (press ‘E’ on the creature and click the ‘Storage’ button) and move your Saddle into its inventory. You can now press ‘E’ on the creature and select ‘Mount’ to hop on its back.


Creatures that can fly can toggle between ground mode and flight mode with the ‘F’ key.


To dismount, press and hold the ‘E’ key.


  • Falagar

    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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