City Of Brass Cheats - Magic Game World

City Of Brass Cheats

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Secret Room Locations

1. Outer Ring

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This is the first area. Called “Outer Ring”. So far there are 2 types of secrets in this area.


Secrets in this area always look like this:


A secret hidden room behind a sandfall. You don´t need anything to access it. Just walk through it.


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The other type of secret is this red wall. You need an explosive urn to access it. You can see this urn on the screenshot. Unfortunately, you can´t access it with the burning lantern so you really need the explosive urn to access it. (this is also the only entrance to a secret room which needs an item)


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This is how the wall looks like after its destroyed:


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This wall can also look like this: (which is a little bit harder to notice)


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2. Gardens of Remorse

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This is the second area. Called “Gardens of Remorse”. So far there are 2 types of secrets in this area.


Secrets in this area always look like this:


A secret hidden room behind these plants. You just need to jump to access it.


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That’s basically the same as above but it’s much higher on the wall.


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You need to use your whip (with RMB) at that ring to access it. (Tip: hold “Space” to access it much easier and climb up the edge)


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3. Catacombs

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This is the third area. Called “Catacombs”. So far there are 2 types of secrets in this area.


Secrets in this area always look like this:


A secret hidden room behind this wall. You need to crouch or slide to access it. Just press “C”.


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A secret hidden room behind these rocks which you need to destroy with an explosvie.


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4. Palace Grounds

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This is the fourth area. Called “Palace Grounds”. So far there are 2 types of secrets in this area.


Secrets in this area always look like this:


A secret hidden room behind this hole in the wall. You need to crouch or slide to access it. Just press “C”.


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A secret hidden room behind this wall where you need to jump over (press Space) and crouch through the second wall (press C)


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The window can also be red:


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From a higher perspective, you can see the entrance much easier.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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