Cold Waters: Navigation Icons Guide - Magic Game World

Cold Waters: Navigation Icons Guide

Cold Waters: Navigation Icons Guide

Navigation Icons

The following status icons are displayed in the upper right under certain conditions to warn you of navigation hazards or alert you to certain conditions as you navigate your submarine.


Cold Waters: Navigation Icons Guide




Time Compression: Time compression can be enabled and disabled with F9 (Shift 9) to speed up game play when transiting longer distances. When enabled, this status icon is displayed. Time Compression will automatically be canceled whenever a navigation hazard is encountered or if your submarine takes any damage.


Event Camera: If enabled, the event camera will automatically focus on events of interest as they happen, such as weapon launches and impacts, aerial drops, or anti-missile guns firing. Use Shift E to toggle the event camera on or off.


Cavitating: Your submarine is currently cavitating, causing the propeller to make additional noise. Decrease speed or dive deeper to prevent cavitation.


Running Silent: Shown when your submarine is rigged for silent running. Silent running decreases noise made by your submarine and decreases your maximum allowed speed and stops all repairs, pumping of water, and reloading of weapons. Silent running is toggled on and off using Shift S, and increasing speed, assigning damage control actions, or loading a weapon will cancel silent running.


Shallow Depth: Displayed when the depth under the keel of your submarine is less than 50 ft.


Ice Hazard: High frequency under ice sonar has detected ice ahead of your submarine. Navigation sonar is limited to about 4,000 yards and can only detect hazards directly ahead of your submarine. Once detected, ice positions will be mapped onto your tactical map display.


Mine Hazard: High-frequency mine avoidance sonar has detected mines ahead of your submarine. This sonar is limited to about 4,000 yards and can only detect hazards directly ahead of your submarine. Once detected, mines will be mapped onto your tactical map display.


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    He is the founder and editor of Magic Game World. He loved gaming from the moment he got a PlayStation 1 with Gran Turismo on his 7th birthday.

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